Lunes, Hulyo 6, 2015

Forth Bridge to become World Heritage Site

Forth Bridge will be the UK’s 29th World Heritage Site.

The ‘iconic’ Forth Bridge will today become one of the select few sites in the UK that is a World Heritage Site.

Spanning the estuary of the Forth River in Scotland, the Forth Bridge is the world’s longest multi-span cantilever bridge and has been an important cultural feature of Scotland since it opened in 1890.

An important milestone, the Forth Bridge carries passengers and freight and is instantly distinctive because of its bridge design.

The decision to make the Forth Bridge a World Heritage Site was taken at a meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee who described the bridge as “an extraordinary and impressive milestone in the evolution of bridge design and construction.”

Even after 125 years since it was first opened, the bridge is still important to the rail infrastructure in Britain because it carries thousands of passengers each and every day.

The UK Government put forward the bid to have the Forth Bridge recognised as a World Heritage Site, and David Mundell, Secretary of State for Scotland, described the news as a “fitting accolade.”

He said: “The Forth Bridge is an iconic piece of Victorian industrial engineering which has a proud place in the UK’s rich culture and heritage.

“Being recognised as a World Heritage site is a fitting accolade for this bridge which has played such an important part in the lives of Scots for 125 years.

“The Forth Bridge joins an impressive list – including the Grand Canyon and the Great Wall of China plus, closer to home, New Lanark and St Kilda – which have secured the prestigious World Heritage status. I’m pleased that the UK delegation has been able to secure this status for the Forth Bridge.”

Before the UK Government put the bid forward to have the bridge recognised, the Scottish Government worked in partnership with Network Rail, Historic Scotland and Transport Scotland in a joint project to put the bid in place.

Tracey Crouch, Heritage Minister, hailed this “fantastic news,” adding: “Recognition as a World Heritage Site will draw more tourists to the area as well as making sure one of the UK’s great engineering feats stands for future generations.

“The Forth Bridge is an important part of Britain’s shared national heritage, which is why the UK Government put it forward as our nomination for World Heritage Site status last year.”

Today’s news means that the Forth Bridge will become the UK’s 29th World Heritage Site.

The post Forth Bridge to become World Heritage Site appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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