Huwebes, Hunyo 18, 2015

FiT needs continued support – NAPIT

A recent survey has discovered that 48% of British people are willing to back more investment in renewable energy and tackling climate change.

With the South of England boasting enough energy to power over a million households from solar PV last year, the renewables industry is enjoying strong growth and consumer interest.

NAPIT, The National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT), are pushing for continued Government support through the Feed in Tariff (FiT).

The continuance of FiT would allow the domestic market for solar PV to get to a stage where it would be cost-neutral and therefore no longer need Government support.

David Cowburn, Managing Director of NAPIT Certification, said: “We mustn’t let the positivity seen in the renewables industry go to waste. If an announcement is made confirming the ambition of the Government to continue funding the domestic RHI and the FiT remains in place then there is no reason this growing market can’t become a strong contributor to meeting the UK’s legally binding target of 15% renewable energy by 2020. Installers have the opportunity to position and differentiate themselves as industry leaders if they get trained and certified to install these technologies now.”

NAPIT have provided campaign infographics to call for changes to be made to help grow this industry and give new MPs and influential organisations in the sector a unique insight into the way big policy decisions affect the lives of hardworking installers across the country.

NAPIT is a trade association that strives to support and represent its members within the building services and fabrics sector

Visit for more information or contact NAPIT by emailing or by calling 0345 5430330.

The post FiT needs continued support – NAPIT appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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