Huwebes, Abril 28, 2016

Lord Adonis to speak at Infrastructure Policy Summit

City & Financial Global’s 13th annual Infrastructure Policy Summit will take place in central London on 7th July and will see a number of high profile people in the UK infrastructure markets discuss the latest policy initiatives and their implications.

Lord Andrew Adonis, Chairman, National Infrastructure Commission, and Tony Meggs, Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority have been confirmed as keynote speakers, following the reorganisation of the institutional framework supporting UK policy development and implementation.

The two will outline their respective roles and position in terms of the National Infrastructure Plan 2016, as well as exploring how the two bodies will interact.

Joining Lord Adonis and Tony Meggs will be Michelle Dix, Managing Director of Crossrail 2, Jim O’Sullivan, Chief Executive of Highways England, Sir Merrick Cockell, Municipal Bond Agency & Chairman, London Pensions Fund Authority and Jeremy Skinner, Head of Economic Growth, Greater London Authority.

The panel will discuss a range of key infrastructure priorities including:

  • Progress with the Northern Powerhouse initiative – what more needs to be done to connect the cities of the north?
  • Where does the UK’s energy policy stand and what does this mean for the pipeline of energy infrastructure projects?
  • London’s infrastructure requirements in the face of a significant projected growth in its population
  • The plans and timescale for Crossrail 2
  • Creating the capacity to meet the UK’s housing needs
  • Implications of the Government’s £15Bn Road Investment Strategy
  • Financing infrastructure via green bonds in light of COP 21
  • The potential of the Municipal Bonds Agency as a source of finance for local infrastructure projects
  • Bridging the gap between projects and institutional money: unlocking the potential

The Infrastructure Policy Summit will be attended by people from the public and the private sectors including central and local government authorities, investors, funders, developers, sponsors and transaction advisors.

The post Lord Adonis to speak at Infrastructure Policy Summit appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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