Martes, Marso 6, 2018

Evidence proves apprenticeships work

A leading training provider in the construction, utilities and energy sector is urging more firms to make a commitment to apprenticeships, citing its own experience as proof that they work.

Develop Training Limited (DTL), based in Derby, Bolton, Romford, York and Lisburn, Northern Ireland, is giving its backing to National Apprenticeship Week 5-9 March.

The training company, whose customers includes some of the biggest names in water, gas, electricity and construction, wants more companies in the sector to recognise the key theme of the week ‘Apprenticeships Work’ and recruit more trainees.

Chris Wood, CEO of Develop Training, said: “Working with some of the UK’s largest utility firms, our success rates have been very high. We and our customers have no doubt that, managed well, apprenticeships do work.”

He added: “New initiatives such as Trailblazer Apprenticeships and the Apprenticeship Levy have raised awareness across the UK. Even so, and despite huge skills shortages, many employers are still only scratching the surface of what they could be doing to use apprenticeships to attract new people to join the industry and improve the skills of existing employees.”

Contrary to general ideas, apprenticeship candidates vary in age up to 30 and beyond, and while many intakes are all male, a number of women have taken part in DTL programmes.

For apprentices themselves, the benefits include even more than a well-paid, secure, skilled job at the end of the process. The training company provides extra support for candidates who need it due to dyslexia, for example. It also provides a ‘learning journey’ where candidates improve on basic maths, English and ICT through an online programme, enabling them to progress beyond school qualification levels.

Image: Shutterstock

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