Martes, Mayo 1, 2018

Aberdeen oil and gas assured post-Brexit prosperity

Central government has reaffirmed its commitment to Aberdeen’s thriving business community as the UK readies itself for the rigors of Brexit.

The Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Robert Jenrick, joined Brexit Minister Robin Walker in ‘Granite City’ to chair an oil and gas forum attended by representatives from BP and Shell, the wider supply chain and the Oil and Gas Authority itself.

Discussions focused on opportunities and challenges alike, the government’s response and the multi-billion pound package of tax cuts intended to garner greater stability for the industry – safeguarding jobs and spurring on innovation.

Both ministers later met with local business owners at the Grampian Chamber of Commerce to hear first-hand their concerns and again highlight the government’s determination to secure the best deal possible for those living and working in Aberdeen.

“For the first time in many years the Government is holding its oil and gas summit here in Aberdeen, to listen to the sector and the wider business community,” said Robert Jenrick, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury.

“We are supporting the oil and gas industry making it more competitive and innovative, and securing a strong future for it and for Aberdeen. We want to see Aberdeen’s economy continue to thrive and are pleased to be meeting businesses and entrepreneurs across the city and county.”

Brexit Minister Robin Walker added: “Aberdeen’s vibrant, diverse industries – from oil and gas to fishing – are renowned the world over. As we leave the EU, we’re committed to enabling these great Scottish businesses to go from strength to strength.

“That’s why I was pleased to talk to Scottish industries today about our ongoing negotiations with the EU. The implementation period we agreed in March will provide the certainty they’ve rightly been asking for, as well as give us the opportunity to go out into the world and negotiate new trade deals for the first time in 40 years. Our future outside the EU is a bright one for Scottish business as part of a global UK.”

Since 2014, the UK has jointly invested £250 million alongside the Scottish Government via the Aberdeen City Region Deal which included financial support for the Oil & Gas Technology Centre.

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