Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2018

Construction firms back renewable energy

Over 60% of UK construction firms are backing renewable energy solutions, according to new research from Haven Power, one of the UK’s largest business electricity suppliers.

The research has revealed that over 60% of firms in the construction industry think renewable energy solutions are the key to ensuring a clean future, with two fifths of those surveyed believe more needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions.

In the survey, designed to assess future energy requirements, utility decision makers in the construction industry cited energy usage as one of their top three business priorities (45%), alongside employment (53%) and office management (49%). Additionally, three in five firms liked the idea of selling energy back to the grid, further highlighting the industry’s appetite for sustainability. In comparison, only 40% of businesses in the Food and Beverage sector liked the idea of reselling energy.

Despite being one of the more progressive industries when it came to implementing sustainable change, there were still barriers preventing the sector from getting started. Firms cited cost (40%) and uncertainty on how to speak to investors or senior management teams (33%) as obstacles to reaching their sustainability goals.

Paul Sheffield, Chief Operating Officer at Haven Power, commented: “It’s extremely encouraging to see that such a high proportion of firms in the construction sector believe in renewables, with a third already having onsite battery storage installed (35%). However, it’s clear more needs to be done to demonstrate the wider opportunities and benefits of renewable energy, as some firms in the industry are still unsure how to broach the subject with senior teams. To ensure the future of British business is low carbon, conversations are needed from the board level down.”

When asked to list whose responsibility it is to lower carbon emissions, construction firms placed energy suppliers in shared top position with manufacturers (50%), ahead of the Government (39%). In comparison, the majority of other industries surveyed put the responsibility largely on the energy provider, such as agricultural businesses (83%).

Paul Sheffield continued: “Understanding of renewable energy and its benefits varies greatly from sector to sector, but it’s great to see construction firms are taking steps towards a more sustainable future. It’s imperative that organisations of all sizes work together with their energy provider to implement changes that will be beneficial to everyone. Here at Haven Power we are keen to help businesses understand the wider benefits of renewables.”

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The post Construction firms back renewable energy appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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