Linggo, Oktubre 14, 2018

Chair appointed to government’s new Industrial Strategy Council

The Chief Economist of the Bank of England has been appointed Chair of the Industrial Strategy Council, Business Secretary Greg Clark has confirmed.

Andy Haldane will head-up the independent body as it gauges the government’s progress towards fulfilling the core commitments outlined in its Industrial Strategy. In November, the Industrial Strategy Council will convene for the very first time and meet three to four times a year thereafter.

As Chair, Haldane will be joined by senior representatives from industry and academia alike. Together, they will review the impact of the Industrial Strategy to date and its contribution to UK economic growth. The Council will also publish regular reports to compare implementation of the Industrial Strategy against yet-to-be-established success measures and explore ways to improve measurement and evaluation of this process.

“The Industrial Strategy Council has an important role to play holding the government to account by monitoring its success delivering the Industrial Strategy and its impact on the economy,” said Greg Clark. “I am delighted that Andy Haldane has taken on this important role which will give the Council authority and independence, as well as the benefit of his thought leadership in this area.”

According to Haldane: “The Industrial Strategy is one of the most critical strands of work taking place across government and has the potential to raise living standards across the whole of the UK, boost people’s earning powers and put the UK at the forefront of future industries internationally.

“I am delighted and honoured to take the role of Chair of the Industrial Strategy Council and look forward to working with leading business men and women, investors, economists, and academics to provide impartial and independent evaluations of the government’s progress in delivering on the Industrial Strategy.”

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The post Chair appointed to government’s new Industrial Strategy Council appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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