Miyerkules, Mayo 1, 2019

University of the Highlands receives grant for life sciences centre

New funding for the University of the Highlands will go towards the construction of a life sciences centre for health research.

The University of the Highlands and Islands is set to receive £3.75 million from the European Regional Development Fund to enhance its life sciences facilities at a new building on Inverness Campus. The funding will be used to extend the floor space and purchase equipment for the university’s life sciences innovation centre.

The centre will be part of a larger custom-built facility promoting engagement between the health service, the academic sector and commercial partners. The development will also contain an NHS Highland elective care centre and a Highlands and Islands Enterprise life science business incubator.

Scottish Government Innovation Minister Ivan McKee said: “I am delighted to announce this £3.75 million grant towards the new life sciences centre on Inverness Campus.”

“This investment is the latest in our current programme of European Structural Funds to improve skills, sustainability and innovation in the Highlands. It demonstrates the vital role these funds play in the region’s economy.”

“This new funding strengthens the international reputation of the University of the Highlands and Islands and the importance of the Inverness Campus to Scotland’s thriving life sciences sector. The development is an exemplar of collaborative working and will bring huge economic, health and academic benefits to the region and beyond.”

Construction of the building, which is being supported by UK Government funding, is due to start later this year. It is part of the £315 million Inverness and Highlands City Region Deal, which is funded by the Scottish and UK Governments and regional partners.

The University of the Highlands and Islands was awarded £9 million from the UK Government to establish commercialisation, academic and clinical capacity to deliver projects in health, social care and life sciences. The latest investment in the university’s life sciences centre will be used to increase its activities in biomedical research, medical nanotechnology, digital health and product development.

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