Martes, Agosto 20, 2019

Kier Highways celebrated 1M hours without injury

Kier Highways have celebrated reaching more than 1M hours without a health and safety incident on two smart motorway projects that they have undertaken between junctions three and five on the M20 in the South East and junctions thirteen and fifteen on the M6 in the Midlands.

The project on the M20 began back in May 2018 and has since inducted nearly two thousand people onto the site, with 250 workers currently operating the project, and with a monumental figure of 870,000 hours worked on the M20 project alone without any pause for reported injuries. In fact, the Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) remains as zero for this particular site.

Meanwhile, the project on the M6 has achieved a similarly impressive feat by carrying out various collaborative health and safety initiatives in which employees attended safety focussed meetings over the course of a two week period.

The meetings themselves were about safety in design, choosing to be resilient in changing situations, and stroke awareness and, following the meetings, the health and safety team managed four stand-down days in which 200 employees, both operatives and site based personnel, attended briefings and team building exercises.

Ultimately, the success of these two projects has been accredited to consistent communication and engagement, commitment, and dedication from all staff at both sites.

The Head of Safety, Health and Environment at Kier Highways, Steve Crofts stated: “Such impressive health and safety performance reminds us that, when we all work together and focus on health & safety without compromising, it is possible to ensure everyone goes home safe and well every day.

“Engagement with workforce and supply chain is key to understanding the culture that exists and ensuring everybody understands and lives by the mantra that nothing is so important that it cannot be done safely.”

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The post Kier Highways celebrated 1M hours without injury appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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