Huwebes, Nobyembre 26, 2020

Telford & Wrekin Overhaul Planning System

DEF Software has announced that it will be collaborating with Telford & Wrekin Council to create and launch a new back office development platform which will result in the next generation of building and planning control software.

Telford & Wrekin has instructed DEF Software to write the new system which is to be a true web-based application, meaning the platform will be easier to deploy and access. It will also be completely customisable for the Authority. The system will also have the ability to be accessed on any device from any location, promoting mobile working through on-site data capture.

DEF is aiming to recreate the speed and functionality of existing on-premises planning application platforms, which is something that other web-based planning systems have not been able to achieve. The redesigned web-based system will put the user at the centre of the software, by offering users an entire toolset in one place, creating better workflows as a result.

Tasks and work lists will be dynamically organised and available to view on the dashboard. It will also be designed to be role relevant based on the user’s specific job requirements, allowing individual users to see how many different applications they have live, giving a real time snapshot of their entire workload in one place.

This new system will bring together the best features of the two current systems, while also enhancing and pushing the technological boundaries even further. It will replace Telford & Wrekin Council’s existing legacy software and, as part of the agreement, the Council will provide consultancy to DEF Software throughout the re-write and will be fully involved in the design and development process.

A spokesperson for Telford & Wrekin Council stated: “We are looking forward to creating the next generation planning and building control system which will improve the functionality of the service, benefitting both officers and the public and providing a better user experience. We recognised that DEF Software shares the same desire and commitment to make a real positive change in the marketplace. It is also coming at a time when the planning landscape is changing, and we will be in the right position to bring these all on board.”

Graeme Cooke, Commercial Director at DEF Software, added: “Some of the software used to determine planning applications is decades old, and there is a desperate need for modernisation which simply isn’t being addressed in our industry. This solution will challenge everything that planning software should be. Having Telford & Wrekin on board as not only a customer, but as a strategic consultant, means the software will be extremely reactive to the needs of planners in local authorities.”

As part of the new development, DEF Software will also be re-writing its other modules which include Local Land Charges, Tree Preservation Orders, Listed Buildings, S106 Agreements, CIL, Road Adoption, Consultation Response and Private Sector Housing. The project with Telford is expected to last between two and three years, and the new platform will be available to existing DEF Customers on a five-year upgrade plan.

If you would like to read more like this, then please click here

The post Telford & Wrekin Overhaul Planning System appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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