Huwebes, Enero 28, 2021

Predictions for Construction in 2021

Mark Davenport is Managing Director at AMC and Sean Keyes is Managing Director at Sutcliffe civil and structural engineers. Here they share their predictions for what they think construction will see in 2021.

Mark Davenport said: “I’m expecting 2021 to be affected mainly by the aftermath of Brexit, and the ongoing saga of Covid-19 (this at least in the first quarter). I believe the Government will do all they can to get us a deal, as it is in their best interests after campaigning for it for so long.

“It will be a difficult time for a lot of companies as travel out of the country will be restricted, but as with Covid-19 there will still be success stories and with hard work, determination and innovation there will be opportunities to thrive, and especially in the construction industry which always bounces back after times of hardship.

“As a company that prides itself on its face-to-face communication with customers, commitment to get the job done and its on-site operations, I am also looking forward to the re-opening of society in order for us to make up for the time lost during the lockdowns of 2020, which has seen the construction industry operate at less than full capacity.

“AMC are planning ahead to catch the wave of what we expect to be a real upturn in the industry come next spring/Easter, and our investment in new equipment and in the up-skilling of our staff should hold us in good stead as we look forward to showcasing our new rebranded fleet across the country.

“The green agenda will also be massive next year, and we will be working hard to ensure that our fleet is sustainable and eco-friendly. We decided to purchase 11 new electrical cranes earlier this year to improve our carbon footprint and our business, because working electrically and silently is not only a massive advantage from a Health & Safety point of view, but, will also allow us to work out of hours in town centres, which will help us further support our customers.”

Sean Keyes says: “My main prediction for the year ahead is that there will be a larger focus on healthcare. The Covid-19 pandemic has opened everyone’s eyes to protecting the NHS and more infrastructure in this sector will be crucial, as we enter into a ‘cleaner and more health conscious’ world.

“Brexit will also dominate the news, and of course be an obstacle for employment and travel in the months and years to come, but I am hopeful that one of the few positives from Brexit will be the opportunity for local people to gain opportunities and employment, as travel for EU workers is restricted.

“The housing agenda will again be a top priority for the Government next year and creating quality, state-of-the-art housing will be incredibly important, with the next 12 months set to see a move towards eco-friendly green living.”

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The post Predictions for Construction in 2021 appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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