Martes, Marso 9, 2021

How to Supercharge Construction Throughout Covid-19

As businesses across the UK reflect on the challenges of 2020 and plan ahead for the roadmap out of lockdown, they are considering new methods and technologies to help them thrive. The construction sector has been under immense pressure as sites have continued operating throughout lockdowns and employees strive to meet strict deadlines. Amar Sekhon, Business Development Manager at Cadline, provider of MTWO Complete Construction Cloud, discusses the benefits of technology to increase productivity across the sector going forward.

The global pandemic has highlighted many flaws within the industry and shown the stark reality of construction workers, who have not been classified as key workers, struggling to meet strict deadlines due to slower operations and manual processes. It is inevitable that health & safety has been put at risk and corners may be cut to meet demands.

This has shown how technology is now essential for the whole lifecycle of any project and, as we navigate the navigate the roadmap out of the global pandemic, firms need to be equipped with remote working methods and technology to get ahead of possible challenges, without needing to send staff to site.

Construction projects generate an extraordinary amount of data, due to the number of stakeholders involved, however, it largely remains underutilised due to outdated processes.

This means businesses in the industry can spend up to 2,160 working hours and waste 840,000 sheets of paper each year when manually planning construction projects – a mistake we can no longer afford to make.

Utilising information and automation platforms to centralise plans has completely transformed how the project lifecycle is planned and managed. As businesses and projects grow in scale, firms need to be able to quickly access and analyse data that will keep projects on schedule and in budget.

Cloud technology makes a significant difference in both the planning and execution phase of a project by connecting stakeholders digitally in one place to house and update data quickly and securely.

Global firms such as Bunte, JBL and Eurovia are utilising technology like MTWO Complete Construction Cloud for the planning and execution of projects including new residential developments, commercial buildings and transport networks.

This technology can free up valuable time and save on costs by reducing waste and simulating projects, enabling enterprises to explore patterns and trends, forecast scenarios and prevent costly mistakes and delays. This plays a key role in helping businesses to be one step ahead.

The construction sector has notoriously been slow to embrace change, but reforming the industry will have huge benefits by upskilling around 30 million professions across the workforce, allowing them to be digital ready, and will ultimately drive behaviours towards better decision making.

By embracing artificial technology, businesses can pivot operations to meet growing demand and build a more insightful and responsive enterprise. Utilising up to date data combined with AI technology, projects can be more accurately and efficiently planned and costed, and challenges projected in time for changes to be made. Now more than ever, delays, wasted funds and underutilised resources cannot be afforded, and those who take advantage of technological advances within the construction industry will be prepared to compete in the years ahead.

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The post How to Supercharge Construction Throughout Covid-19 appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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