Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2017

New apps created by £4M tech funding for motorists

£4M of government funding to help motorists by giving notice of congestion and showing free parking.

Nineteen councils across England will receive a share of the £4M Smart Traffic Management Scheme, to deliver cutting edge technology such as apps and sensors which can be used to cut congestion, improve parking in city centres and alert drivers when electric car charging points become available.

Councils will receive between £50,000 and £300,000 of government funding each, for their ideas to improve journeys through digital innovation.

Successful bidders include Blackpool, who will receive £234,000 to use Bluetooth to cut traffic congestion, and Warrington, who will receive £300,000 to provide real-time information to businesses and the public through on-street information displays, social media and phone apps.

A total of £150,000 is being provided for Coventry, for a real-time bay availability system across 450 pay and display parking spots. Westminster, Hounslow, Hammersmith and Fulham will receive £204,000, to roll out a new generation of electric vehicle charge points, which will provide real-time data to motorists when they are available

Peterborough will receive £50,000, to use digital technology to provide real time journey information directly to visually impaired people.

Roads Minister Andrew Jones, said: “I congratulate today’s winners for coming up with cutting-edge, innovative ideas that will transform journeys for passengers and motorists across the country. Technology is rapidly evolving and this important work shows that if we get it right, it can cut congestion, speed up journeys, clean up the environment, and improve accessibility.”

This work further demonstrates this government’s commitment to working alongside industry to promote technology and innovation, and to maintain the UK’s position at the forefront of the digital revolution.

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