Huwebes, Disyembre 7, 2017

Transforming infrastructure

The government has released new plans aimed at revolutionising British infrastructure and boosting the construction sector’s productivity.

It is estimated that £15Bn in savings could be made every year through its implementation.

The plans were revealed alongside the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline, which sets out projects for the next ten years. The pipeline includes both public and private investment, estimated at some £600Bn, giving certainty to the industry in these trying political and economic times.

Construction bodies have repeatedly cited, this year, that infrastructure and civil projects have been holding back growth in the industry, the pipeline secures infrastructure development across the country and will encourage the sector to invest in the right technology and skills to meet this demand.

The Transforming Infrastructure Performance (TIP) programme sets out how the government will ensure these projects are delivered swiftly and efficiently. This ambitious plan aims to transform infrastructure delivery over the long-term, using the government’s influence to drive modern methods of construction so Britain can lead the world in high-tech building. The Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy sets out how these lessons will be applied to drive efficiency and productivity in transport.

Upon launching the TIP Andrew Jones MP, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, said: “We are backing Britain with a record amount of infrastructure investment as we build an economy fit for the future. That’s why we’re working with the industry to skill up and scale up for the challenges ahead.

“Investing in infrastructure boosts productivity for the economy as a whole. The scale of the investment we are talking about here will deliver a step change for our country.”

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said: “We’re undertaking the most ambitious improvements in our transport network this country has seen for decades. But we must also drive forward plans to ensure these infrastructure projects are completed on time and on budget.

“World-leading projects such as Crossrail, the Ordsall Chord and the huge investment programme in our major roads show that Britain can deliver on time and on budget, boosting jobs and growth and creating new opportunities across the nation. But we want to do better. This strategy shows the way and sets out our standards for how we will do more and better in future.”

Nearly a quarter of all construction projects in the UK come under the government’s remit. This gives them the purchasing power to ensure modern methods of construction are used within the sector, driving innovation and skills training at the same time.

Off-site manufacturing is a major area the government would like to pursue, with benefits of reducing waste and speeding up delivery times making it very attractive. For example, a school that typically takes a year to build could be done in just over four months by using offsite construction methods.

The TIP and pipeline will help tackle some of the industry’s issues head on, giving the sector the certainty to start investing in the right technology and skills.

Tony Meggs, Chief Executive of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), said: “Publishing our Transforming Infrastructure Performance (TIP) programme today demonstrates our commitment to tackling the annual £15Bn productivity gap in construction. The IPA has a significant role to play in helping to create a more productive and innovative sector.

“We want to maintain confidence in the sector and will work alongside industry, using our purchasing power to drive the adoption of modern methods of construction in both new and existing infrastructure. The scale of ambition is great but by aligning our initiatives we can work with industry to deliver transformation for the sector.”

Andrew Wolstenholme, Co-Chair of the Construction Leadership Council (CLC), said: “The Transforming Infrastructure Performance programme presents a huge opportunity for the industry and government to reap the economic gains from improving productivity during the delivery of the UK’s £600Bn infrastructure pipeline. Transport is a huge part of that.

“I am delighted that the IPA, DfT and CLC are working closely to encourage construction clients to procure on the basis of whole life value, deliver more industry led innovation, develop the skills we need for the future and give the UK a competitive advantage in exporting new technologies and expertise. I am proud to chair the Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Taskforce which will ensure these strategies are brought to life across the transport sector.

“It all adds up to better economic and social infrastructure, as well as more homes, delivered quicker, at better value and more sustainably than ever before, underpinning the UK’s growth and providing jobs all over the UK.”

Director General of ICE Nick Baveystock said: “Productivity, quality of life and the ability to face future challenges depends on the right high-performing infrastructure assets being managed in a coordinated way. Through the Transforming Infrastructure Performance (TIP) programme, Department for Transport’s Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy and the commitment to £600Bn investment over the next ten years, government has made a long term, strategic commitment to an infrastructure system for a modern economy.”


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The post Transforming infrastructure appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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