Lunes, Pebrero 5, 2018

University of Leicester given the go-ahead for two new developments

The University of Leicester has announced planning approval for two new developments deemed “critical” to its future success.

On Brookfield campus, the University of Leicester plans to house its world-class School of Business following the comprehensive renovation of the historic Brookfield House. The 19th century structure and adjacent stable block will be painstakingly restored, while an extension to the main building will allow for a new lecture theatre with accompanying seminar rooms.

According to Professor Zoe Radnor, Dean of the University of Leicester School of Business: “Brookfield will provide the School of Business with the exceptional environment that a top performing business school needs. It will accommodate a wide variety of teaching and social learning spaces, all set within a distinctive environment of the historic Victorian house and landscaped gardens. The move to Brookfield will enable us to continue to thrive and grow our own unique identity.”

Meanwhile, the Percy Gee Building – home to the Students’ Union – will be transformed to make way for a state-of-the-art food court with additional multi-purpose facilities. A striking eastern facade will also establish a direct link between the atrium and the newly built Fielding Johnson Square

Crucially, both projects form part of the University’s hugely ambitious £500M estates investment programme.

“These two projects are central to our overall ambition of creating an environment that truly supports teaching, research and an unrivalled student experience,” added Brita Sread Director of Estates and Campus Services at the University of Leicester.

“We are delighted to have been given the green light to progress these projects and are excited by the prospect of the fabulous improvements that University staff, students and visitors will experience upon completion of the work.

“We’re also pleased about the wider contribution that these projects and others can make to our city. At Brookfield, in particular, we’ve spent time talking to local residents about our plans and how we can more actively contribute to the local community.”

Construction is due to begin in March and April, though the principle contractors have yet to be announced.

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The post University of Leicester given the go-ahead for two new developments appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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