Lunes, Hunyo 22, 2020

Smart City Scheme Piloted

A local energy system demonstrator project which aims to show how ground source heat pumps with smart heating controls can reduce heating costs, as well as lower carbon emissions, is officially underway in Oxford.

Home provider Stonewater have partnered with Kensa Contracting to have 60 of their homes at Blackbird Leys installed with Kensa’s innovative low carbon heating solution. Individual Kensa Shoebox ground source heating pumps will be put into each property and will be connected to a communal ground array. This will integrate with smart controls and time-of-use tariffs to optimise heat production for cost and carbon savings.

The heat pump installations form part of the Energy Superhub Oxford (ESO0, a world-first project which will showcase an integrated approach to decarbonising power, heat, and transport throughout Oxford. The project is supported by Innovate UK, with ESO being led by consortium partners Oxford City Council, Pivot Power, Habitat Energy, Kensa Contracting, Invinity Energy Systems and the University of Oxford.

The renewable heating scheme with Stonewater is the first phase of Kensa’s aim to pilot smart technology in 300 homes around Oxford over the next two years under the ESO project. ESO aims to demonstrate how ground source heat pumps with smart controls can help balance the electricity grid as part of an integrated local energy solution which also includes grid connected batteries and smart electric vehicle charging points.

Leon Storer, Assistant Director – Capital Investment at Stonewater, said: “We’re delighted to be a part of this innovative and forward-thinking project, supporting the local authority in achieving a net zero carbon future.

“By replacing our residents’ current high carbon night storage heaters with Kensa’s ground source heat pump systems, we are able to not only work towards a more sustainable future, but an economical one too. This is because a benefit of transitioning to this type of heat pump system is the significant cost savings it provides for residents.”

Dr Matthew Trewhella, Managing Director of Kensa Contracting, said: “Kensa is delighted to partner with Stonewater for the first phase in this 300-property pilot ground source heat pump project.

The residents will benefit from clean, renewable heat with savings of up to 25% compared to a standard ground source heating system. Smart meters enable residents to switch to Octopus’s unique Agile Tariff, which varies the electricity price every half hour and optimises energy use when renewable power is prevalent on the grid, and together with Switchee internet connected smart heating controls will automatically run resident’s heating systems at the lowest cost times to reduce their bills while maintaining their comfort levels, and caring for the environment.”

If you would like to read more like this, then please click here

The post Smart City Scheme Piloted appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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