Linggo, Hunyo 13, 2021

Connecting with Prospects When Remote Working

Whilst some of the lockdown restrictions have already been lifted, it may still take a while for normality to be fully restored, as widespread remote working continues for many organisations. However, accomplished marketing specialist and managing director at Competitive Edge, David Glennon, believes the current conditions could be ideal for businesses looking to develop new business relationships.

On the face of it, connecting with prospects and converting potential leads into business contracts is more challenging in the current climate – with widespread remote working, but with the right approach, it could play into the hands of construction firms looking to expand their client portfolio.

In normal circumstances, businesses must overcome a series of potential obstacles to successfully contact a prospect, such as getting past the gatekeepers and making the call at a time that suits the decision maker.

However, the current situation guarantees that person to be in one location throughout the working week, which makes it much easier for businesses to make contact successfully.

With the right strategy, organisations can potentially convert prospects into serious business opportunities during this period, without the need for a large and dedicated sales team.

Your help is required

Although the current working environment is different for many businesses, prospects still require the key services your organisation provides. Just because decision makers are away from the office, that does not mean all operations grind to a halt until the pandemic is over.

Successful businesses understand the need to be flexible in the current climate, as those that fail to adapt risk falling behind the competition. In fact, with some of the restrictions now being lifted, there are many organisations in the process of detailing plans for the post-pandemic era, so now is the perfect time to engage prospects.

Even in normal circumstances, it is crucial that your business starts to build prospect profiles, gauging interest from businesses that have been identified as potential targets. However, in the current climate this need is intensified, especially for those organisations that have been impacted by the pandemic and are eager to thrive once the restrictions have been eased.

From a prospect perspective, there are many businesses who require urgent support to cope with the existing pressures, so instead of waiting for face-to-face networking events to resume, it is best to strike while the iron is hot and beat the competition to the punch.

Engage your captive audience

To many organisations, the idea of contacting prospects that are currently working from home may not seem like an effective approach. However, there are a lot of benefits to engaging decision makers during a period of widespread remote working.

Instead of being more difficult to contact, it is easier to connect with remote workers, as they are a ‘captive audience’, who are currently working from one location. Before the pandemic, prospects would be in meetings, away from their desks or shielded by a gatekeeper/receptionist, but now, these potential obstacles are removed from the equation.

Secondly, most companies are in the planning and strategy stage for the post-pandemic era, so now is the perfect time to contact decision makers, as they are more likely to welcome outside interaction to break the monotony of working from home. With the chances of making successful contact increased, it is important to deliver your pitch clearly to make the most of the opportunity.

That does not mean every phone call needs to result in a sale, but you must make a good impression, generating exposure for your business and securing follow-up meetings if the prospect shows an interest in your services.

Before making contact, it is important to research companies, familiarising yourself with the services it provides. Incoming calls will be better received if you already have an idea about how your business can help the person being contacted.

Outsource new business functions

Understandably, one of the biggest challenges for businesses looking to secure new business contracts is finding the time and resources needed to execute a thorough telemarketing campaign, whilst ensuring daily operations continue running smoothly.

This is where outsourcing to an experienced telemarketing team can offer a competitive edge, as you hand the responsibility of running a successful campaign that generates good quality leads, to a team of professionals that has the skills needed to convert prospects into serious business opportunities.

Strategising and then implementing a successful telemarketing campaign can be a time-consuming process that many organisations struggle to manage internally, especially if they have a reduced workforce due to the pandemic.

Instead, teams of external telemarketers will take the time to understand your business, sales proposition and objectives, overseeing a campaign that provides concrete leads, without you having to do the heavy lifting.

Rather than following a ‘one size fits all’ approach, experienced telemarketing service providers tailor campaigns to meet the unique requirements of your business, capturing important data that will allow them to build enhanced profiles for future connection attempts.

Ask experts for advice

For over a year, businesses have been placed under enormous financial strain due to the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, but as the restrictions begin to ease, now is the perfect opportunity for organisations to engage prospects and secure new clients.

There will undoubtedly be a lot of post-pandemic optimism amongst businesses, as they look to make up for lost time and boost their productivity once normality has been restored.

Of course, the ongoing expectation to provide high-quality services to existing clients can place added pressure on businesses who may lack the experienced personnel needed to execute an effective telemarketing strategy.

Therefore, if your organisation requires assistance with contacting key decision makers, then contact an experienced team of external telemarketers and consider outsourcing new business functions to free up internal resources.

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The post Connecting with Prospects When Remote Working appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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