Miyerkules, Marso 23, 2016

90,000th Site Registration with Considerate Constructors Scheme

A milestone has been reached for UK construction industry, as 90,000th construction site registers for Considerate Constructors Scheme.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme, the national Scheme that works to improve the image of the construction industry, has reached a milestone registering 90,000 construction sites.

The 90,000th registration was made by house builders Barratt London, for the high profile Nine Elms Point development in London.

Barratt London is also working with Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd, who are the Considerate Constructors Scheme’s founder member Client Partner, and housing association L&Q to deliver 645 new homes, a new 80,000 sq ft Sainsbury’s store and 27,000 sq ft of local shops, restaurants and office space at Nine Elms Point.

The scheme registered in 1997, and has since become an important feature in the construction industry, with posters and banners appearing throughout the country.

The Scheme undertakes around 13,000 visits to sites, companies and suppliers per year, sharing best practise on-the-ground.

Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy commented: “The Scheme is immensely proud to reach this momentous milestone of 90,000 registered sites; it is a phenomenal achievement.

“Since the Scheme was first established 19 years ago, registered sites, clients, companies and suppliers have strived for ever better performance across all aspects of our Code of Considerate Practice. However, there are still huge amounts to be done, and we look forward to helping the industry raise these standards even further.”

Simon Garrett, Operations Director for Barratt London said: “Barratt London has undertaken substantial community engagement at Nine Elms Point since October 2013. We have built strong relationships with local residents and regularly update the local community on construction work progress. We hold an annual summer BBQ on-site that is a hit with many local residents and attend regular meetings to inform other developers involved in the wider scheme of our community engagement work. As part of our commitment, we expect to make improvements to the Wandsworth Road – including widening the highway, installation of new road drainage and realignment of the traffic lights.”

David Parnell, Sainsbury’s Construction and Delivery Manager for the South said: “Our store, which we expect to complete in the summer of this year, will not only bring extra choice for local shoppers but will also bring jobs for local people, as well as community support in the form of choosing a local charity to support and providing sporting equipment through our Active Kids scheme.”

Andy Rowland, Land & Projects Director at L&Q added: “It’s great to see Nine Elms deliver the Considerate Constructor Scheme’s 90,00th Site Registration. The Scheme plays an important role within the industry in helping to drive up standards and improve the image of construction. It’s apt that one of the most transformational development sites in London, which will provide hundreds of homes across all tenures, is also doing its part to transform the image of construction.”

The post 90,000th Site Registration with Considerate Constructors Scheme appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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