Huwebes, Marso 31, 2016

North Wales growth deal will empower the community

Secretary of State pushes forward with growth deals that will empower communities and create jobs for north Wales.

Wales Office has hosted a meeting at the round table at Glyndwr University in St Asaph, with more than 20 heads of councils, business organisations and major employers, to bring forward plans for a growth deal in North Wales, originally announced by George Osborne in the budget.

The round table was designed to explore what the region wants to develop as a distinct economy.

Senior councillors from local authorities in North Wales, Cheshire and Wirral together with business organisations like the CBI, Institute of Directors and the Federation of Small Businesses were invited, along with representatives from Toyota and Airbus who are also due to attend together with the heads of universities in North Wales.

Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns said: “This is the very early stages of the development of the north Wales growth deal. On having been appointed as secretary of state, I was determined to make it my priority to come to north Wales to develop the growth deal and today is the start of the process of community engagement.

“The purpose of today is to bring together business and community leaders to establish what their vision is to try and develop a plan that will give us that strategic goal over the next ten years or more that we can work towards achieving.

“That will be built on the expertise that already lies here and filling the missing links in order to get us towards that vision.”

The government announced in the Budget that it was ‘opening the door’ to a growth deal for North Wales during the Budget and that it would be looking to the next Welsh Government to devolve powers down and invest in the region as part of any future deal.


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