Huwebes, Mayo 5, 2016

Building designers get new CIBSE weather data information

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) has released a new version its weather datasets used by building designers when analysing heating and cooling performances in buildings.

As demand for more sustainable and energy efficient buildings increases, the need for weather data has become a vital part of the design of new buildings and refurbishment projects.

The datasets give climate information for building simulation software, which can then be utilised to show compliance with UK building regulations.

Created in collaboration with the MET Office, the data sets are based on historical data collected from 13 sites across the UK, plus three in London and are combined with the latest climate change projections to produce future weather files up to the 2080s.

According to MET Office statistics, the eight hottest years since 1910 have come in the last 14 years. The new information from CIBSE takes into account for the increased temperatures and changes in wind speed and direction.

These new datasets will play an important role in the how new buildings are designed. Given the statistical increase in temperature in recent years, this may mean an increase in cooling requirements and less demand for heating. The information analyses the chances of heat waves causing potential overheating scenarios across the UK.

Dr Anastasia Mylona, Research Manager at CIBSE said: “These new datasets are based on the latest Met Office observations and climate projects and aim to provide the industry with an updated representation of current and future weather for thermal and energy building performance analysis.”

The post Building designers get new CIBSE weather data information appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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