Huwebes, Hulyo 14, 2016

UK Construction Week launches #ConstructionRoleModel

UK Construction Week has launched new media campaign #ConstructionRoleModel to celebrate heroes of UK Construction

A new social media campaign #ConstructionRoleModel has been launched for UK Construction Week, designed to celebrate those who have gone the extra mile for UK Construction.

The Construction Youth Trust are involved in helping with the campaign, which allows those in the industry to nominate and reward their inspiring peers, as well as encouraging the next generation of construction professionals or making improvements to their workplace.

To kick start the campaign, UK Construction Week has asked the construction industry to define what a construction role model is, highlighting examples of individuals that have done something extra in the work place.

Examples include individuals who have tackled adversity or combatted the skills gap. Experts and industry figureheads will deliver a series of blog pieces showcasing those who have made a positive contribution.

With the concept established, UK Construction Week will open up the nomination process to the broader construction community. Inviting followers of its Twitter handle @UK_CW to nominate themselves or others by using the #ConstructionRoleModel hash-tag.

The most popular nominees will be selected by UK Construction Week, and then the chosen “role models” will have the opportunity to share their views on the sector, answering Q&A’s and talking about what it takes to thrive in the industry. Nominees will also talk about what inspired them to work in construction and give advice to youngsters who are looking at a similar career.

Construction Youth Trust is a charity that provides training, education and employment opportunities to young people who want to work in the industry, but may be faced with barriers such as financial circumstances, low self-esteem, lack of awareness of opportunities, gender or ethnicity.

Christine Townley, Executive Director at Construction Youth Trust, commented: “It’s a great privilege to be involved in a dynamic and positive campaign that shines a light on those doing brilliant work within the industry. Our day-day work focuses on helping young people with a passion for construction get the right skills and training to make an impact in the sector. Therefore we’re delighted that #ConstructionRoleModel will raise awareness amongst the younger generation on how rewarding a career in the construction industry can be.”

Nathan Garrett, Event Director for UK Construction Week, added: “We’re very excited to get the #ConstructionRoleModel campaign off the ground and look forward to seeing who people nominate for the award. I truly believe we’ve created a campaign that not only showcases the broad career opportunities within construction but also appeals to a younger generation.”


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The post UK Construction Week launches #ConstructionRoleModel appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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