Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2016

Sadiq Khan makes first Elizabeth line journey

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has made the first station-to-station journey from the new Elizabeth line station at Custom House to Canary Wharf to mark Crossrail’s construction programme reaching the 75 per cent complete milestone.

The Mayor met with a number of engineers and apprentices working on Europe’s largest infrastructure project.

Half of the permanent track on the line has now been laid, and nearly all of the platform structures, which will give step-free access to the 200m long trains at all of the ten new stations, have also been built.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, described the opening of the Elizabeth line as “a landmark moment for London”.

He said: “It will help us deliver a modern, truly world-class transport system that allows us to deal with the growth in London’s population over the coming decades.

“I visited the Canary Wharf station site as Transport Minister in 2010 when construction had just got underway. The fact that the project is now 75 per cent complete, and being delivered on time and within budget is testament to the hard work of the thousands of men and women who have worked on the project.

“It is vital for the future prosperity of our city that progress continues apace and we deliver this wonderful project on time. With brand new trains and all the stations being step-free, the opening of the Elizabeth line will improve the quality of life for millions of people across London and the south east, and provide a huge boost to our economy.”

Andrew Wolstenholme, Crossrail Chief Executive said: “The Crossrail programme has now reached 75 per cent complete. The remaining 25 per cent of the programme will present a new set of challenges as we finish installing the critical components that will transform this major infrastructure project into an operating railway.

Mr Wolstenholme said the project was “vital to the future success of the capital”.

Crossrail expect the project to be delivered on time and on budget in 2018.

Sadiq Khan makes first Elizabeth line journey

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UK “ill-prepared’ for growing risk of flooding

The UK is severely under prepared to combat the growing risk of flooding according to a leading water industry training and consultancy firm.

Develop Training Ltd (DTL) has called for a new standard of quality and capacity to be implemented to prevent the UK from suffering serious and disruptive incidents in future. This will require local authorities and other organisations with responsibility for the problem needing to invest far more heavily in training.

The warning comes as council leaders press Theresa May over the delayed national flood resilience review, which was established to assess how the country can be better protected from flooding and increasingly extreme weather events. The report, due in July, has now been delayed.

Britain has been hit in recent years with severe weather and struggled to cope with flooding levels. In December 2015, Storm Desmond caused severe flooding across the north of England, Wales and Scotland, and Storm Eva, which came later that month, caused further chaos.

Effective training can play a significant part in cutting the risks through flood prevention and managing with the fallout if an incident where to happen. It allows those responsible to manage and coordinate flood responses, safely deploy relevant staff members and report on the effectiveness of defences.

DTL’s Steve Braund commented: “As with most risks, prevention is key and therefore we feel it is vital for councils and organisations to employ suitable and realistic training solutions now, instead of waiting for another flood situation to impact them.

“It is important that those involved in flood defences are correctly trained to work safely and effectively, in order to minimise the risks from the increasing incidents of flooding.”


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Mace latest to warn Pokémon Go players

The construction company behind The Shard has warned Pokémon Go players not to enter its building sites as they hunt for virtual creatures to capture.

The signs have been placed on site hoardings warning: “Wild Pokémon not permitted on this site” and “No playing Pokémon Go beyond this point”.

Since the augmented reality game, which sees players attempt to catch rare virtual creatures to train and battle was launched in July there have been a numerous incidents of players trespassing into construction sites putting themselves at potentially great risk.

The creatures randomly appear within the real world in all manner of locations including construction sites and railway stations, with Network Rail reminding Pokémon Go playing commuters that it is “illegal and very dangerous” to trespass on a railway. The UK coastguard also warned players to be aware of their surroundings and not to wonder into open water.

Members of Build UK reported players attempting to gain unauthorised access to their sites in order to catch the creatures generated within the site boundaries.

Build UK advised construction firms that “Security measures to prevent players from gaining unauthorised access to construction sites should be no different from those in place to prevent any other trespasser attempting to illegally enter a site. Site boundaries should be safe and secure, and signage sufficient and clear.”

The game’s developer, Niantic, provide an option to request the removal of a specific site or location by submitting an online removal request on the Pokémon GO support website.


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Work continues on Spaghetti Junction

Overnight closures will remain for a further two weeks as Highways England continue repair work to the Aston Expressway and Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham.

Spaghetti Junction saw full weekend closures lifted sooner than expected allowing for a chance to reduce the overall duration of the on-going work to replace waterproofing and repair damaged concrete on the road.

Highways England envisages by extending the programme for two weeks, they will be able to fully exploit the existing programme of repairs and avoid further disruption to motorists of between six to eight weeks.

Highways England Regional Divisional Director in the Midlands, Andrew Butterfield said: “By completing the work now, we can fully repair this section of the carriageway and reduce the duration of work and more importantly the risk of emergency repairs during the colder and wetter winter months. Safety is our number one priority and these repairs are vital in helping us to protect this iconic structure for years to come.

“We continue to work closely with Birmingham City Council to manage the repair programme and although further work is likely in the future, we are making sure that we fully utilise the existing programme of repairs to minimise disruption.”

The scheme was originally due to finish on 5 September but will now be completed mid-September. Two narrow lanes on the out of city road A38(M) will now remain in place until the work is completed.


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Martes, Agosto 30, 2016

London Bridge station concourse partially opens

Two-thirds of the new concourse at London Bridge railway station is now open as work continues on the redevelopment project.

Passengers at London Bridge will be able to access all platforms from one level for the first time.

Once the £1Bn project is completed in January 2018, it will be larger than the pitch at Wembley Stadium.

Network Rail Chief Executive Mark Carne said the redevelopment of the station would bring big improvements for north-south travel through the capital.

He said: “We are rebuilding Britain’s fourth busiest station – the tracks, the platforms and the infrastructure which enables trains to run – all the while keeping the station open and doing our best to keep passengers moving.”

Since work began on the station in 2012, the station has had numerous incidents of overcrowding and severe delays such as the closure of Kings Cross Station over the Christmas period in 2014.

Mr Carne addressed these issues and apologised for the impact the redevelopment work had caused. He said: “I am extremely sorry that while doing this work there have been times when passengers have suffered frustrating delays. I know that the promises about tomorrow are of little consolation when performance isn’t good enough today.

“I am pleased that, finally, some of the benefits of this project will be much more visible.”

At the opening of London Bridge, Network Rail’s Chief Executive took the opportunity to warn that without significant investment, he couldn’t be sure that the demands of rail passengers could be met as numbers continue to rise.

Mr Carne told the Press Association: “There’s no doubt at all that this is not going to meet the demand for 50 years.

“As the passenger demand continues to grow, we will need to continue to invest and there will need to be significant investment in the railways over the next 20 years just to keep pace.”

“Since this project was originally approved, the passenger numbers have grown by 35%. So it’s a constant challenge to keep pace with demand but that’s a problem of success and I think Britain’s railways are a huge success story.”

London Bridge station concourse partially opens

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CIOB use Minecraft to attract new construction generation

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) has developed a construction game targeted at 12-14 year olds that takes place within the world of Minecraft.

‘Craft your Future’ enables young learners to discover the methods and skills to become a construction manager, introducing them to a career in construction.

As over 400,000 workers within the construction industry are due to retire between 2018 and 2023, the skills shortage may become more acute and the need to attract a new generation into the sector even more vital.

In a series of four freely available Minecraft Education Lessons, that can be downloaded by teachers anywhere and accessed via the Minecraft Education Platform, students confront a range of issues that reflect construction challenges in cities today.

The lessons take place in Newtown, a specially created virtual city in Minecraft, to design, plan, collaborate and build solutions that develop a sustainable future for all its citizens. Exercises also include real life scenarios like the challenge of restoring Battersea Power Station.

Bridget Bartlett, Deputy Chief Executive at the CIOB said: “Combining Minecraft and a thorough curriculum for the teacher makes for a unique and immersive experience and will help reveal why the industry is important and why a career in construction can be so rewarding. There are 70 million people playing Minecraft and just like Lego it has the capacity to inspire and attract a new wave of construction managers into an ever-increasing digital industry.

“What is exciting is that these young learners will not only have fun but also develop their communication, team working and mathematics skills; skills that construction has a high demand for. The lessons are designed to be teacher friendly and we hope construction employers will also want to use them in schools as they bid to switch the next generation onto a career in construction.”

Jennifer Macdonald, BIM Researcher, Consultant and Lecturer in Construction Project Management at the University of Technology Sydney told UK Construction Online that the use of Minecraft could play a key role in encouraging children into thinking about a career in construction. She said: “Minecraft is a very interesting game and it seems to attract girls as well as boys; it’s not seen as a boy’s game or a girl’s game and I think that’s something that’s really positive about it.

“Minecraft is great because it encourages children to play around with virtual worlds and build things from their imagination.

“Any game that encourages children to think about the world around them and how they can make a positive difference has to be a good thing.”

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CSIC: Scottish construction in need of “technology revolution”

The Chief Executive of the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre has said the construction industry in Scotland is in need of “technology revolution”.

Speaking to the Glasgow Herald, Chief Executive, Stephen Good, said that by embracing new technology, the construction industry had a “massive opportunity” to operate with greater profitability and efficiency.

Mr Good said: “Construction is one of the last industries to go fully digital. Big chunks [of work] are still manual and traditional. It is ripe for a technology revolution.”

The Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) is one of eight industry led and demand driven Innovation Centres supported by Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and 13 Scottish university partners. It promotes greater collaboration between construction companies and academics to deliver advancements in the industry.

The CSIC is also set to invest £1.5M of its £7.8M core funding on equipment that will provide firms with access to robotics, large-scale 3D printing facilities and a wide range of other innovative equipment.

Mr Good cited a lack of natural collaboration due to the differing roles between the likes of architects, engineers, and builders meaning innovation was stagnating.

He told the Glasgow Herald: “The basic premise is to accelerate the expertise needed to solve industry challenges. Construction needs to have more of an innovation culture.

“The challenge is continuous collaboration after the client has stopped paying. Every building is a prototype, but clients are risk averse, so CSIC facilitates rapid research and development for pilot projects.”

He challenged companies to develop technology that would be benefit to the construction industry as a whole and just on a particular project.

Mr Good believes that the pace of innovation could be accelerated when the hub that will be home to that £1.5m capital equipment investment opens in 2017.

Companies will be able to take advantage of state-of-the-art technology to drive product and service innovation.

Mr Good said that Brexit hadn’t led to any reluctance to invest and was upbeat about prospects for the future. He said: “We’re optimistic, there’s a huge need for housing and infrastructure.”


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Biyernes, Agosto 26, 2016

Former London Olympic Stadium transformed

The transformation of the iconic former London Olympic Stadium has been finalised, following a host of innovative engineering works undertaken by infrastructure specialist Balfour Beatty.

The scheme, which first commenced in January 2014 on behalf of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), has played a significant role in the regeneration of the former Olympic Stadium, and has enabled West Ham United Football Club to make use of the multi-purpose venue in time for the 2016/2017 season.

Sustainable measures included the reuse of over 6,000 metres of cabling, 3,800 lights and 1,000 mechanical and electrical components, as well as the incorporation of 19,000 tonnes of recycled demolition material.

In what amounts to a modern day feat of engineering, the works required the installation of the world’s heaviest anti-gravity roof – twice the size of the original – while the once iconic lighting towers have been reintegrated into the stadium proper.

At its peak, 1,700 people were employed on-site – culminating in an astonishing 3.4 million man hours worked.

Boosting the local economy through the use of the local supply chain has long been a priority for Balfour Beatty and LLDC both. In line with the Company’s commitment to the 5% club, Balfour Beatty also created 50 local apprenticeships across a range of trades, in addition to ten work placements and more than 300 training opportunities.

Stephen Tarr, Managing Director of Balfour Beatty’s major projects business said: “From the very beginning we were focused on continuing the legacy of this historic venue, transforming it from its original use of a single-purpose venue to a multi-functional world-class venue providing numerous opportunities and uses for generations to come.

“We have utilised some of the most complex engineering techniques on this project, capitalising on our in-house capabilities and expertise to ensure the project was delivered safely to a high specification, whilst boosting the local economy through employment opportunities; it’s a project we are all immensely proud of.”

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Preparation underway for Severn Tunnel electrification

Network Rail is making preparations for the electrification of the Severn Tunnel at a state-of-the-art training facility in Wales.

From Monday 12 September, the 130 year old passage will shutdown for six weeks to ready it for electrification – a critical milestone in delivery of electric trains for passengers in South Wales, and an integral part of Network Rail’s ongoing Railway Upgrade Plan.

The cutting edge training facility at Coleg Y Cymoedd in Nantgarw has been jointly funded by the College itself and the Welsh Government. It houses a life size mock-up of the overhead equipment that will be used to power the fleet of innovative new electric trains through the tunnel. Crucially, it is the only facility in the UK to offer training on a specially designed piece of equipment – the Rigid Overhead Conductor Rail.

Minister for Skills and Science, Julie James commented: “Coleg y Cymoedd delivers first class training in a first class facility, ensuring there is a skilled workforce to deliver the major improvements Wales’ rail infrastructure will see over the next five years. When the facility in Nantgarw opened in September last year, we knew our £1.54M investment would be put to the best possible use. Network Rail, with support from the Welsh Government, will spend more than £1Bn modernising the rail system in Wales. The fact we can support Network Rail in this way as it moves into its new era is something of which we can be rightly proud.”

Judith Evans, Principal of Coleg y Cymoedd, added: “The College could expand off the back of the electrification programme. We’ve got four campuses across Rhondda Cynon Taf and Caerphilly, and the Rail Centre at our Nantgarw campus is easily accessible from the M4. I’ve already started discussions within the College as to whether or not in the next year or two we might even consider expanding. If the growth continues at the speed it is, I can see us having to put on an extension in the future.”

During the six week closure, 200 members of Network Rail’s famous orange army will be working day and night to install over eight miles of conductor rail.

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Huwebes, Agosto 25, 2016

Number of new homes built increases

New figures released today have revealed that the number of new homes built has increased by six per cent in the last year.

The news will be a welcome boost to the government as it endeavours to meet its ambitious housebuilding programme.

According to the latest house building data, 139,030 new homes were completed in the year to June and have continued to build gradually over the last two years.

The figures indicate strong regional growth in London, Swindon and Wakefield, which are all experiencing high levels of completions.

Delivery in London saw 24% more homes being built in the year to June 2016 in comparison to 2015 with local authorities in Greenwich and Waltham Forest seeing completions rise 126% and 103% respectively over the same period.

Swindon and Wakefield also saw completions increase by 104% and 41% respectively.

The government has committed to building enough homes to satisfy demand and is investing £8Bn to build 400,000 more affordable homes to rent and buy.

It is hoped that the Housing and Planning Act will help deliver on its plan to build a million more homes by making sure councils continue to play a significant role in delivery, and through new measures that will allow them to deliver more homes more quickly.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said: “We’ve got the country building again with more new homes started and built than this time last year.

“This is real progress but there is much more to do. That’s why we are going further and increasing our investment in house building to ensure many more people can benefit.”


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Infrastructure research gets five years more funding

The Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) has secured funding for the next five years.

The CSIC received the funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Government funding body Innovate UK.

The extra funding will enable the CSIC to continue the progress made over the past five years to become an internationally-known hub for the infrastructure and construction industry, bringing together leading academics and industrialists and developing a faster route for innovation adoption.

The Cambridge University-based Centre aims to change the future of infrastructure and help the UK become a world leader in the fields of sensing technologies, asset management and smart city development.

Dr Jennifer Schooling, Director of CSIC, said; “Securing this funding for the next five years offers a wide range of opportunities to advance CSIC’s research and embed a culture of innovation adoption in the infrastructure and construction industries. CSIC cannot achieve this alone – partnering with industry is the key to our success to date and we look forward to continuing to work with Costain on the development of new skills and techniques to deliver smarter infrastructure.”

The bid was backed by Costain, who provided a letter of support to help the CSIC achieve its Phase 2 funding. The Company also played a key role in assisting setting up  two of the Centre’s major demonstration projects, National Grid London Power Tunnels and London Bridge Station, as well as being involved in the Centre’s steering group and guiding a number of its collaborative projects.

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Are exoskeletons the tool of the future for construction workers?

Technology in the construction industry is advancing at a rapid rate. The advent of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the digital collaboration process that goes with it is revolutionising the construction industry.

Anybody attending Digital Construction Week will be able to attest to the wonderful application of technology in the name of making construction safer and more efficient.

UK Construction Online recently took a look at the Daqri Smart Helmet, combining augmented reality and site safety to increase productivity, efficiency and safety.

For fans of 80s sci-fi blockbuster, Aliens, Ekso Bionics exoskeleton will evoke memories of Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley doing anything the salty space marines can do in the cargo deck by engaging in heavy lifting through the use of a mechanical suit and ultimately dispatching the Alien Queen to save the day.

There is little doubt that working in the construction industry can be an extremely physical demanding occupation. Long hours on building sites can take its toll. Ekso Bionics has created an exoskeleton to help reduce the negative impact of undertaking repetitive activities over an extended period of time.

Founded in 2005 and based in California, Ekso Bionics has worked on exoskeletons for military and health applications.

The Company has developed powered suits to aid in the physical therapy for people who have suffered strokes or been involved in serious accidents. Over 4,000 people have used the suit as part of their rehabilitation process in learning to walk again.

It’s latest creation, however, will enhance rather than replace human capabilities: an exoskeleton suit aimed at the construction and industrial sectors.

The Company has hopes that the exoskeleton will become as familiar sight on construction sites as many of the more traditional large tools.

The lightweight suit does not have a conventional power source and instead utilises counterweights and a sprung arm. The ‘Zero G’ arm takes all the tool weight enabling workers to operate heavy tools without exerting themselves.

Tools than can be used in conjunction with the suit include large grinders; sanders and polishers; rivet busters and rotary hammers.

Nathan Harding, Ekso’s co-founder and CEO told Time magazine: “The industrial device goes back to our roots in military, because it uses a strategy we discovered working on military exoskeletons.

“We were worried about the fact that those exoskeletons were consuming so much power. We were able to develop a design, it’s an architecture of joints that inherently takes load, but it lets the person make natural motions that they need to do.”

It is no secret that the construction industry is experiencing a skills shortage. One wonders whether this technology could play a key role in tackling this issue.

Firstly, older construction workers might find that the use of such a suit could see them able to take on the more physical aspects of the job even when they reach an age when they normally expect to be winding down, thus prolonging their construction careers.

Also, it’s not difficult to imagine the next generation looking at such technology and being inspired to set out on a path for a career in construction.

It’s hard to imagine this piece of kit not being popular with workers, given it sets out to help them do their job rather than replace them.

From a health and safety aspect too, there would surely be a reduction in the number of lost working days due to fatigue, strain and other workplace related injuries.

Who’s to say that such a tool wouldn’t have a positive impact on diversity within the industry? How many women have been put off or denied a career in construction by the assumption they lack the physical strength. Such a unit could be a great leveller.

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Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2016

Interserve wins £17M University of York contract

Interserve has secured a £17M contract to design and build a three-storey development at the University of York’s Campus East.

The ‘Piazza Learning Centre’ is part of a £27M scheme on the campus and will house teaching facilities and learning spaces.

The project will mark Interserve’s second project with the University of York. It will encompass 36 flexible learning spaces, including two laboratories, a 350-seat auditorium, a 100-seat lecture theatre, a 300-seat restaurant, as well as staff areas and offices spread across 6,800 m2.

The new building will be used by the University’s International Pathway College (IPC), as well as providing additional teaching space for Campus East. The International Pathway College, a joint venture between the University of York and Kaplan, provides academic preparation programmes for international students prior to them progressing to their undergraduate and postgraduate studies within the University.

Matthew Perry, Director of the International Pathway College (IPC), said:  “This will be a fantastic teaching and learning space for staff and students and is indicative of the scale of ambition at the University of York and our confidence in the IPC’s ability to attract students from all over the world. We’re already looking forward to moving in.”

John Gittins, Divisional Director at Interserve, said: “We are looking forward to further strengthening our relationship with the University of York as it continues to both expand and renew its facilities.”

Work is now underway on the project with completion expected in November 2017. It is envisaged that Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) ‘Very Good’ rating can be achieved for the project.


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River blockage programme begins following winter flooding

Work has begun on an £800,000 programme of work on the rivers Aire and Worth to remove gravel and silt deposited by the winter floods.

The deposits, known as shoals, can increase the likelihood of flooding as they reduce the width of the river channel and create blockages under bridges.

On Boxing Day last year, severe rainfall caused flooding across the Bradford district, with over 800 homes flooded and roads and bridges closed.

During the flooding, the deposits built up in the rivers as large volumes of water collected debris and dispersed it along the river system.

The Environment Agency will have two clearing teams working for around four weeks to clear the debris at ten locations along the rivers including sites in Kirkstall, Keighley, Cottingley, Bingley, Silsden, and Earby.

Work is due to start in Bingley on 30 August, where debris has accumulated under two of the five arches of Ireland Bridge.

Environment Agency operatives will initially create an access ramp from the Brown Cow car park and then work in the water, using heavy equipment to remove the shoals that are currently restricting flow through the arches of Ireland Bridge.

The entrance to the fish pass, which has become silted up, will also be cleared to allow fish to once again bypass the upstream weir. Most of the material will be taken off site, however some of the very large rocks will be reused to help protect the base of the riverbank at the Brown Cow.

Lee Riley-Thompson, from the Environment Agency said: “Since the winter flooding we have been working hard to inspect and repair damaged defences across the region. Removing these gravel deposits will further reduce flood risk to communities in and around Bradford and Keighley.

“We have worked closely with our biodiversity team in order to minimise any potential impact the removal of the shoals may have on fish and wildlife in the area. Carrying out the work this month is an ideal time to avoid fish spawning periods and the bird nesting season.”


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Work underway this weekend on new £192M A556 road

Work on the new £192M A556 Knutsford to Bowdon dual carriageway will begin this weekend, with the opening of its first bridge.

Work to connect sections of the new £192M 556 Knutsford to Bowdon dual carriageway, between the M6 and M56 in Cheshire, will get underway in earnest at the weekend with the opening of its first bridge.

The route of the new road will form a link between junction 19 of the M6 at Knutsford and junction 7 of the M56 at Bowdon, has been underway for quite some time, revealed yesterday as Highways England release new aerial pictures of the area.

Roads which cross the route of the new dual carriageway which is being built have stayed open, which means it has yet to be connected from end to end. Work to move these roads onto bridges over the new road is now underway.

The A50 from Mere, Chapel Lane from Bucklow Hill and Millington Lane – all with junctions along the existing A556 – are all currently running across the path of the new A556 with the route of the new road being excavated on either side of them. Each of the roads will be realigned and moved onto newly-built bridges crossing the new dual carriageway – with the A50 work due for completion by Tuesday (30 August) during a weekend of overnight closures.

Highways England Project Manager Paul Hampson said: “We’ve worked hard to keep open roads which cross the path of the new A556. This has included constructing the new bridges parallel to the A50, Chapel Lane and Millington Lane so we can simply re-align each road when the time came.

“This weekend’s work is an important milestone ensuring we can now start to connect the different sections of the new A556 and realign the A50 over the new bridge with the minimum of fuss.

“We appreciate that having temporary traffic lights and full overnight closures of the A50 will create some inconvenience and we’d like to thank local people and other road users for their continued patience and support as we work to complete this important new link between the M56 and M6.”


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Martes, Agosto 23, 2016

Persimmon report profit rise and robust demand

Housebuilder Persimmon has reported a 29% jump in first-half profits and said customer demand has been robust.

Housebuilder Persimmon has reported that following the Brexit vote, there has been a 29% jump in profits and customer interest has been robust, with pre-tax profits in the six months to the end of June at £352.3M. Revenue rose 12% to £1.3Bn.

Nicholas Wrigley, Persimmon’s Chairman, said: “While the result of the EU referendum has created increased uncertainty, the news was quickly digested by our customers. Customer interest since then has been robust with a strengthening of visitor numbers to our sites compared to the same period last year.”

Following the Brexit vote, economic uncertainty increased, with share prices in property companies falling drastically, however since the Bank of England cut interest rates, shares have jumped again.

Despite economic uncertainty, visitors to Persimmons site were up 20% year on year.

Wrigley reported customer cancellations for viewings in the first week following the referendum rose, however they are now running slightly lower than a year ago.

Rising prices, economic growth and the government’s help-to-buy scheme has seen housebuilders boom over the last three years.

Financial Director, Mike Killoran said: “Given the interest we are seeing on the sites from visitor traffic and people genuinely wanting to buy we can see no reason why we wouldn’t see that [autumn] seasonality continue. All the feedback we are getting from sites is that given the market we are in and the product we are offering … there is a great desire to buy.”

Persimmon branded properties rose by 6% to an average of £206,334, while Charles Church homes rose by 16% to £317,827. The company said the increase in the average value for Charles Church properties was a reflection of its focus on higher value properties in premium locations.

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Highways England launches opportunities for graduates

Highways England is launching a range of opportunities for graduates looking to design, build, maintain and improve the country’s infrastructure.

Roles including project managers, civil engineers and quantity surveyors are now open for applications and will lead to opportunities across Highways England’s nationwide offices, including Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol, Bedford and Guildford.

The new influx of these roles is part of Highway’s England’s commitment to recruit, develop and retain talented graduates, which aims to help the organisation deliver projects as part of its major investment transforming England’s road network.

San Johal, Highways England Human Resources Director said: “This is an exciting time to be part of the team Highways England. By 2021, we will have delivered £15billion investment in our motorways and A roads to keep road users and businesses moving, underpinning economic growth.

“To do this, we are investing in the next generation of future project managers, engineers and other technical specialists. We’re encouraging anyone considering a graduate programme to visit our website and explore the opportunities to start a fantastic career with us.”

New recruits will play a key role in modernising England’s motorways and major roads by developing and delivering technically advanced projects including the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, and in the next roads period, schemes such as the Stonehenge Tunnel and Lower Thames Crossing.

This raft of new opportunities will see Highways England play their part in helping the government achieve its target of creating 30,000 apprenticeships in the road and rail industry by 2020.

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Work begins on £1.7M Alchemist in MediaCityUK

Work has commenced on MediaCityUk’s latest development, the Alchemist, which includes leisure area, cocktail bar and restaurant.

Yesterday, 22 August 2016, Manchester-based construction specialist Artez Group “Broke Ground” on the £1.7M scheme, Alchemist, at MediaCity UK.

The works began on the site known as The Bund in Salford Quays, which sits on the bridge that links MediaCityUK to The Lowry.

Mike Banton, Managing Director at Artez Group, said: “The building is a stunning design so we’re incredibly proud to be working on what I’m certain will become an iconic landmark in the area. We’re looking forward to transforming this piece of land – formerly the location of the sales office for developments – into the region’s next go-to night spot.”

The £1.7M scheme, developed for Living Ventures by MediaCityUK, a joint venture between the Peel Land and Property Group and Legal and General Capital, will see the construction of a stunning architectural design by Reid Architects.

Stephen Wild, Managing Director at MediaCityUK said: “MediaCityUK is continuing to grow as a destination, with a fantastic range of bars and eateries, as well as tourist attractions and major events that pull in big crowds. With this in mind, we are very much looking forward to adding The Alchemist – an iconic and highly popular brand – into the mix. The news of its arrival has been met with wholehearted enthusiasm and delight by MediaCityUK residents and visitors alike. We are pleased to be working with Artez to deliver this exciting project.”

The building has a futuristic look, featuring a gold-clad room and walls externally. A white terrace will cantilever out over the canal, creating a modern waterside al fresco drinking and dining space.

Simon Potts, Managing Director, The Alchemist said: “As a team, we are delighted that The Alchemist will be opening in MediaCityUK and hugely excited now that work is underway. It promises to be a popular addition to, what is now, a vibrant area for both work and play. The building itself will definitely make a statement, with some remarkable bespoke features. We believe it will become a truly iconic building in time.”

The restaurant, which is part of the Living Ventures restaurant group, is due to be completed in Spring 2017.


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New timelapse video shows progress of Liverpool’s new Main Stand

A new timelapse video of the construction of Liverpool’s new Main Stand has been released, as the stadium gets ready for its first fixture against Premier League Champions Leicester City on September 10.

In December 2014, the club announced its plans to add around 8,500 seats, increasing the Main Stand capacity to over 20,000. This will see the ground’s total capacity increased to 54,000.

The new stand will comprise of three tiers, with the existing lower tier being modified to allow for a widened player tunnel, disabled spectator areas, team and management dug outs and media platform.

The new video reveals the change in the façade of the stadium over the past eight and a half months. Construction on the new Main Stand began 623 days ago.

The club were given permission by the FA to begin their Premier League campaign away from home, and no home friendlies were arranged in pre-season.

The five-times European Champions have had a mixed start to the 2016-17 Premier League season, winning a seven goal thriller against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium before succumbing to a shock 2-0 defeat to newly promoted Burnley at Turf Moor.

The Reds will be hoping that the increased attendance the new Main Stand will turn the famous Anfield stadium into a fortress and help bring success back to the famous Merseyside club.

The Reds are holding two exclusive events for fans and residents of Anfield to get an exclusive first look inside the redeveloped Main Stand before it officially opens.

Over 15,000 supporters will be able to experience some of the premium facilities inside the new stand as part of Anfield’s opening preparations.

The events have been organised as part of the safety certification process, which makes sure that the stadium is ready to host the first home game of the season against Leicester City on Saturday September 10.

Andrew Parkinson, Liverpool FC’s Operations Director, said: “We’re delighted to be able to give fans and local residents an opportunity to get a first look inside the Main Stand before we host our first game.

“An incredible amount of work has been undertaken to deliver this world-class facility for our fans and completing the safety certification process is an important part of those preparations.”


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Lunes, Agosto 22, 2016

UK Construction Online exclusive: Mike Burroughs, Chief Fire Officers Association

UK Construction Online talk to Mike Burroughs, a member of the Chief Fire Officers Association, on the dangers of timber frame construction sites.

Mike has been a member of the Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) Structural Timber Working Group since 2010. He left Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service in 2015 having enjoyed a career of over 30 years.  He is now a forensic fire investigator with Fire Investigations (UK) LLP http://ift.tt/2bA6aVh , and is fire consultant to the Structural Timber Association; he continues to sit on the CFOA Working Group.

 How common are construction site fires in the UK?

Recent statistics for England show that fires in dwellings under construction have declined from 27mike fire4 in the year 2009/2010 to 171 in 2014/2015 -a reduction of 38%. These figures are for all methods of construction. However, it is worth noting that it coincides with the recession which started in 2008 and subsequent increase/revival in construction projects in the last few years, as well as an increasing market share for timber frame in England.

Provisional figures show that housing starts in the UK have risen by 6% to 175,000 in the last 12 months and Timber Frame has a 27% share of that market.

What are the main causes of fire on construction sites?

I believe the biggest causes are deliberate fires and ‘hot works’.

What are the positives of timber frame building sites against their vulnerability to fire?

Advantages I am aware of include, sustainability, low carbon footprint, speed of build, and speed to making it weather tight. Various construction techniques are possible including prefabricated panels which are made in factory controlled conditions and assembled on site. Fires in cavities and voids are an issue in all construction types.

Are there any safety features on buildings to make them more resistant to the possibility of fire?

There are many different methods of construction that fall under the title ‘timber frame’. Standard Category A is vulnerable during construction but is appropriate in many circumstances. Once completed there is standard fire resistance within rooms.

Category B has increased fire resistance and Category C is clad with non-combustible boards.  Different features apply to other structural timber such as Cross Laminated Timber and GluLam.

How is safety maintained throughout the project?

Fire safety starts at the design stage and must be maintained throughout the project. In addition, as a condition of membership, members of the Structural Timber Association are required to adhere to the SiteSafe Policy http://ift.tt/2bIFtf1 as well as the 16 Steps to Fire Safety  http://ift.tt/2bA6nYH.

The requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 apply to construction sites and are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive. Once the building is complete the Fire Safety Order is enforced by the local Fire and Rescue Authority.

What is done to promote a “fire safe” working environment to all workers / members of public?

Once the building is complete, the Fire Safety Order is enforced by the local Fire and Rescue Authority.  In addition, the Health and Safety Executive has published guidance HSG 168 Fire Safety in Construction. The Structural Timber Association has published guidance for members on ‘Design of Escape Routes During The Construction Process’. http://ift.tt/2bIFOxY

What measures are in place for if a fire does occur on a timber frame construction site?

This very much depends on the size and complexity of the site as well as the construction method. As mentioned earlier, the Fire Safety Order applies to construction sites. This requires the ‘responsible person’ to take ‘general fire precautions’. This is defined as measures to reduce the risk of fire and spread of fire, providing sufficient means of escape and ensuring they can be effectively used, measures for fighting fire, measures for detecting and giving warning in case of fire and measures for training employees and mitigating the effects of fire.

In addition they are required to consider the ‘off site’ risk. This is where the Separating distance guidance published by the STA and recommended by HSE comes in http://ift.tt/2bA65kC

Finally, again as a condition of membership, members of the Structural Timber Association are required to register all sites over 600 square metres total floor area. This is via a database that is maintained by the Chief Fire Officers Association; entries are forwarded to the relevant fire and rescue service based on postcode. This makes the Fire and Rescue Service aware of the site and allows them to pre plan.

Timber Framers and contractors who are not Structural Timber Association members are encouraged, but not required, to notify the local fire service.

What is the 35 metre rule?

Referring to guidance from the Structural Timber Association (previously the UKTFA) http://ift.tt/2bIFOxY , this recommends a maximum travel distance of 35 m (or 15 m if in a dead end) to a fire exit or protected route on structural timber construction sites, provided that enhanced fire warning systems have been installed, and they include strategically placed automatic fire detection to give the earliest warning of fire to occupants. The earlier warning gives slightly more time for escape and to cover the additional travel distance. If the enhanced fire protection is not in place then the standard distance of 25 m (12m in dead end) applies.


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DfT reveal improved HGV efficiency

Figures released by the Department for Transport (DfT) have revealed sustained improvements in HGV efficiency, helping meet the growing demand for delivery of goods across the UK.

The DfT road freight activity statistics for 2015 showed an increase in the number of goods transported on the UK’s roads of 12% in 2015, however, the logistics industry managed to deliver this with only a 9% increase in HGV use.

FTA’s Head of National and Regional Policy Christopher Snelling said: “HGV use was already incredibly efficient, as being able to fill vehicles as much as possible is key to making a profit or keeping costs low. But as people and businesses across the UK demand more, the industry has continued to find increasingly efficient ways of meeting this need. HGV use has become almost a fifth more efficient just since 2004.”

The DfT data shows how vital road freight is for the UK supply chain – with three quarters of all UK goods movements being by road rather than by rail or water.

Mr Snelling said: “We need to do more to maximise the use of rail and water freight as part of making the UK’s supply chain as efficient, clean and safe as possible. But they can never replace the need for road freight – that is why the best future will see us maximise the efficiency of road freight as well as the other modes.”

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Countrywide predicts house prices will fall 1% in 2017

According to Britain’s biggest estate agent, Countrywide, house prices will fall next year by 1% next year following the vote to leave EU.

House prices in the UK will fall by 1% in 2017, with all regions affected except Scotland, where prices will stay the same, according to Countrywide.

The estate agent has said that the fall is due to the uncertainty surrounding the Brexit vote on 23 June 2016. Prices will rise 2% this year, a slowdown from last year’s rate of 6.5% and 8.5% in 2014.

Declining consumer confidence, reduced household spending power and rising unemployment is affecting the housing market, with prices predicted to begin to rise towards the end of 2017 and into 2018, at a modest rate of 2%.

Countryside said that the most expensive parts of London will bear the brunt of the slowdown, with most of the impact happening this year. Prices in prime central London including Westminister and Kensington will drop 6% in 2016, and Greater London prices will fall 1.25% next year before rising 2% in 2017.

Countrywide’s Chief economist, Fionnuala Earley, said: “Forecasts in the current environment are trickier than ever as the vote to leave the EU has thrown up many risks. Our central view is that the economy will avoid a hard landing. However, the weaker prospects for confidence, household incomes and the labour market mean that we do expect some modest falls in house prices”.

The National Association of Estate Agents said last week that other estate agents have issued profit warnings as transactions have declined and the number of house hunters fall, however housebuilders have reported demand among potential buyers reviving after a sharp fall immediately after the referendum.

Following the recent decision by the Bank of England to cut interest rates to a new record low of 0.25% this month, this prompted lenders to cut mortgage rates further from fixed rate deals which are already close to record lows.


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Go ahead for first phase of Counteswells project in Aberdeen

Aberdeen Council have given the go ahead to the first phase of a 3,000 home project at the Countesswells site.

Permission was granted as councillors voted 14 to two in favour of Stewart Milne Homes to create 91 houses and 33 flats as part of the overall development.

Objections were made amid concerns of the impact the project would have on the existing road infrastructure.

Councillors Martin Greig and Jennifer objected to the scheme. Mr Greig commented: “I moved for refusal of the plans at the committee meeting on a number of grounds, but in particular with regard to how this will affect motorists.

“Councillor Stewart and I are both very concerned that the increase in traffic in the area that will no doubt occur with this new development will severely affect routes like Friarsfield Road, Skene Road, Springfield Road and Queen’s Road.”

Work is already on-going on the Countesswells project, which is hoped will provide homes for around 7,000 residents once finished.

Go ahead for first phase of Counteswells project in Aberdeen1

The 3,000 homes will include 750 affordable homes, alongside the infrastructure required to support the new community, including schools, areas to create SMEs to boost employment, parks, and leisure and healthcare facilities.

Jim Fitzsimons, Countesswells Project Director, said: “Today’s decision supports our phased approach to the delivery of the new community of Countesswells with parcels of development being brought forward in line with the vision and masterplan for the site.

“The first phase of enabling infrastructure works, including roads and services, is well advanced and the building of the first homes within the first neighbourhood will begin soon.

“We will be starting to build homes on an adjacent site that already has detailed planning permission, and the site approved today will be developed in due course to meet market demand and support the growth of the town.”


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Biyernes, Agosto 19, 2016

Portsmouth harbour to light the way for Queen Elizabeth Class carriers

Construction is nearing completion on the top sections of the new lights at Portsmouth harbour that will help to guide the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers safely.

The last stage of construction will see  the superstructures lifted onto the pile foundations driven earlier this year.

The 14 steel structures, standing at 30 metres from the seabed, will provide a platform for the lights that will be used to precisely position the two new aircraft carriers, the first of which will arrive at the city’s naval base in spring 2017.

Weighing around 22 tonnes, each structure is being lifted into place using a 350 tonne crane barge. The lights are powered by a combination of solar panels and batteries and will only be lit when the carriers are either approaching or leaving their berths at Portsmouth.

Around £100M is being spent in total by the Ministry of Defence to prepare the base for the carriers, the biggest and most powerful ships in the Royal Navy’s history. At 280 metres, the HMS Queen Elizabeth is 280 metres in length, has a tonne displacement of 65,000, and will hold a crew of 679 with embarked forces of up to 921. It will have a range of 10,000 miles and have a top speed of around 25 knots.

Under its contract, VolkerStevin is also undertaking the rebuild the Middle Slip jetty to accommodate the ships and providing a dedicated high voltage electrical supply to power the carriers.

DIO also awarded a contract to Boskalis Westminster Ltd to dredge the harbour to make it wide and deep enough for the ships.

The navigation light towers are being installed as part of a £34 million package of infrastructure work being delivered on behalf of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) by VolkerStevin to support the new carriers.

Philip Wise, DIO’s Principal Project Manager, said: “The navigation lights are essential to ensure the safe passage of the carriers into the naval base at Portsmouth. The work to install them represents a significant step forward in our preparations for the arrival of the 2 new ships which will be the largest ever constructed for the Royal Navy.”

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Highways England lift or complete 370 miles of roadworks for August bank holiday

Families will have smoother journeys over the August bank holiday, as Highways England will lift or complete over 370 miles of roadworks.

Over 370 miles of roadworks will be lifted or completed on motorways and major A roads, to provide smoother journeys for those who are travelling on the bank holiday in August.

Highways England are removing 373 miles of roadworks: 179 sets of roadworks, totalling 319 miles, will be completed and 22 sets suspended, totalling 54 miles ahead of the holiday. Almost 98% of the strategic road network will have no roadworks over the holiday.

A total of £15Bn has been invested by the government, in the biggest upgrade in a generation.

New roads are being built, and the creation of Smart Motorways will help keep traffic moving even in the busiest periods.

Highways England Chief Executive, Jim O’Sullivan said: “This August bank holiday, we’re helping drivers with their journeys by clearing roadworks across the majority of our motorways and major A roads in England.

“Our traffic officers will also be on patrol and working with partners to help clear any incidents; the vast majority of which will be dealt with in under an hour.

“We’re asking people to be prepared too. Make sure you have everything you need for your journey should there be any delays, check before and during your journey and also make sure you’re aware of the signs and signals on motorways.”

Highways England have advised that drivers take extra time to use the resources available to them, to keep up to date with road conditions, including advice on driving on Smart Motorways where new signs and signals have been implemented to ease congestion.

The roadworks will be completed or suspended from 6am on 26 August until 12.01am on 30 August. By suspending or completing roadworks, more lanes will be open and many of the associated speed restrictions will be lifted.

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Exciting times as Night Tube finally arrives in London

The first Night Tubes will run on the London Underground past midnight on Friday, with Mayor to ride first train.

Mayor, Sadiq Khan, will ride the first train on the London night tube service on Friday, almost three years since the plan was first announced.

The trains will operate on Fridays and Saturdays every ten minutes on the Victoria line and parts of the Central line between White City and Leytonstone. They will run approximately every 20 minutes between Ealing Broadway and White City and between Leytonstone and Loughton/Hainault.

The plan was announced in November 2013, and was due to begin in September 2015, with Transport for London (TfL) promoting the tube for spectators at last year’s Rugby World Cup. However, due to strikes regarding pay, the Night Tube was delayed nearly another year.

TfL said there was a “huge demand” as passenger numbers on weekends had soared by 70% since 2000, with the Night Tube services expected to add £6.4Bn to the London economy by 2030.

According to TfL, the services are predicted to create 500,000 jobs,

The new London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: “I’m really excited. Lots of people need to get to work late in the night or home from work – doctors, nurses, porters, security guards – but also it will be a massive boost to the night time economy.

“Think of the theatres, the live music venues, the restaurants. I’m really pleased and proud that finally the Night Tube is here.

“Boris Johnson deserves credit for talking about the Night Tube, but it was important to get the details right. I’m really pleased and proud that finally it’s going to happen.”

Passengers will pay off-peak fares and day travelcards will be valid but will expire at 04:30.

The Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines will follow in the Autumn.


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Prime Minister gives backing to Northern Powerhouse

Prime Minister Theresa May has given her backing to former Chancellor George Osborne’s grand plan for the Northern Powerhouse.

The government will make significant investments of totalling around £13Bn to improve the road and rail transport links across the region.

As part of this announcement, the Prime Minister said the government would support the bid to bring the cycling world championship to Yorkshire. The county has previously hosted part of the Tour de France in 2014.

Writing in the Yorkshire Post, Mrs May said: “We will make massive improvements to transport, making it easier to get around, and more attractive for business to move here.

“Yorkshire is a key part of our vision for a Northern Powerhouse; our plan to help the great cities and towns of the north pool their strengths and take on the world.”

The Prime Minister promised to provide a “proper industrial strategy” to back Yorkshire’s vital activities. She said: “To help us realise the benefits, the government will now develop a proper industrial strategy to back Yorkshire’s strengths, whether it is financial and health technology in Leeds, advanced manufacturing in South Yorkshire, or innovative new textiles in West Yorkshire.”

The move to back the Northern Powerhouse was welcomed by Wales Office Minister, Guto Bebb, who said it was “great news” for North Wales. He commented: “The Prime Minister’s clear backing for the Northern Powerhouse is great news for North Wales.

“The Northern Powerhouse will strengthen the historic and prosperous links which already exist with northern cities across the Welsh border.

“We are currently discussing a North Wales growth deal with the business community, council leaders and others.

“The Prime Minister’s support for the Northern Powerhouse – and her commitment to invest similar energies across all regions of the country – will be a great help in driving that process on.”

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Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2016

Safety and cutting edge technology: the Daqri smart helmet

The Daqri smart helmet combines safety at work with cutting edge augmented reality.

The futuristic helmet, complete with an anti reflective, scratch-resistant safety visor, looks like something out of the latest sci-fi blockbuster. However, it could soon be seen on construction sites and industrial environments and has been designed to increase productivity, efficiency and safety.

Developed by American company, Daqri, the smart helmet weighs no more than a standard safety helmet normally worn onsite, it comes with a 4D HUD – a transparent augmented reality display tailored especially for industrial environments.

A 13 megapixel high-definition camera is also included that can be used for capturing images and videos; 2D target recognition and tracking and object/colour recognition. The information can be shared in real time

It will be fully BIM compatible, allowing construction workers to share and view various building elements, data and plans.

The helmet is powered by a sixth-generation Intel Core m7 processor and also includes Intel’s RealSense technology to enhance its depth sensing ability.

A programme within the camera called Intellitrack is able to capture and displays information about the user’s environment. The software allows the location of the wearer to be identified without relying on GPS, Bluetooth or WiFi.

Brian Mullins, Founder and CEO of Daqri said: “Daqri smart helmet is an entirely new type of human machine interface that is redefining the future of work by empowering workers with the latest in augmented reality and Internet of Things technologies.

“We’ve been working in the medium of augmented reality for the past four years, and what we found was, you just can’t solve the most challenging problems with devices that were designed for consumers.

“We needed something that was designed specifically for industrial applications.”


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£2,000 offered to firms to take on apprentices

An incentive of £2,000 has been offered to firms to take on teenagers, care leavers and those with special education needs, as apprentices.

Employers in England are being offered an extra £2,000 to take on teenagers, care leavers and those with special education needs, as apprentices – with small businesses subsidised with 90% of the cost of providing apprenticeships.

From 2017, larger firms will be required to contribute 0.5% of their payroll to the new apprenticeship scheme.

Employers group the CBI said firms were willing to take part, but the proposed date of April was too soon, and should be delayed.

The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) said: “Any delay would make the task very difficult”, referring to the government’s target for three million apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Robert Halfon said: “We need to make sure people of all ages and backgrounds have a chance to get on in life. Apprenticeships give young people – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds – a ladder of ‎opportunity.

“That’s why we continue to work tirelessly to deliver the skills our country needs. The apprenticeship levy is absolutely crucial to this.”

The government said that the £2.5Bn apprenticeship plan aimed to help every young person, regardless of background or ability, get the opportunity to learn valuable skills that would contribute to highly skilled workers for the future.

As part of the apprenticeship programme, the government plan to offer more flexibility for employers to re-train individuals in new skills, give employers more control and access to better quality training and use a 15-band system, which ranges from £1,500-£27,000, to divide apprenticeships.

Director General at CBI, Carolyn Fairbairn expressed concerns that the Apprenticeship Levy in its current form risks “turning the clock back on recent progress through poor design and rushed timescales”.

Jonathan Clifton of think tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research, said the plans did not go far enough. “The proposed apprenticeship levy will still only cover 2% of employers,” he said.

“In the long term, the government should expand the levy to cover all employers – because every firm has a role to play in training up the next generation.”

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Engineering and high technology apprentices receive boost

A new centre is being set up to help solve the skills shortage in advanced technology and the engineering industry.

Oxford Advanced Skills will provide employers in Oxfordshire’s high tech sector with ‘work-ready’ trainees, apprentice engineers and lab technicians by giving apprentices skills and self-discipline through training in the workplace. The centre will collaborate closely with local businesses, allowing them to direct input into the qualification to make sure the training provides the apprentices that local businesses need. As a not-for-profit enterprise, all funds will be invested to deliver training and to ensure quality.

The new centre is a joint venture between the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

JTL has been appointed to manage the centre commencing from September 2016.

David Martin, UKAEA’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “With the support of high tech sector companies in the area, Oxford Advanced Skills will help resolve the critical skills shortages we are currently experiencing. This venture highlights how seriously we take the need for exceptional quality young people making it into the workforce in this area.

“JTL has huge experience in providing work-based learning across England and Wales, with over 6,000 apprentices currently working towards qualifications with them across the building services engineering sector.”

Jon Graham, JTL’s Chief Executive, said apprentices in the Oxford area were in for “exciting times”.

He commented: “We have been working in Oxfordshire for many years but decided recently that in order to be able to provide the quality of training that young people deserved we needed to launch our own training facilities, which we have now achieved with our premises at Culham.

“Through the work we do there and what UKAEA have seen while on site, it became obvious that there was an opportunity to expand our remit and join with UKAEA to develop this new facility, targeting exceptional young people who are needed by high technology companies operating in Oxford and the Thames Valley.”

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RIBA Stirling Prize 2016: Newport Street Gallery

UK Construction Online takes a closer look at another contender for this year’s RIBA Stirling Prize 2016, Newport Street Gallery.

Newport Street Gallery in Vauxall, and winner of RIBA National Award 2016, RIBA London Award 2016, is a converted terrace of listed Victorian industrial buildings, which were once home to theatre carpentry and scenery paining workshops.

The Victorian Workshops are unique in their groups of low level windows and high blank walls above, with the new facades made out of red brick which closely matches the surface of the listed buildings.

Newport Street Gallery_PressImage_Hélène_Binet_2

Credit to Helene Binet

Caruso St John Architects delivered the bold and confident project, which joins the old and the new seamlessly.

The gallery forms the whole length of the street, with the three listed Victorian buildings flanked at either end by new buildings, with the ground and upper floors within the five buildings continuous, allowing flexibility and plenty of space to host large and small exhibitions.

There are three large galleries on each of the two floors, stretching in a line from one end of the building to the other. The two gallery levels are connected by new spiral staircases and a large lift.

Credit to Helene Binet

A restaurant and administrative office for the gallery is included in the scheme, which shows of exhibitions of the client’s art and is open to the public for free.

RIBA said: “This is an approach to conservation at once radical and sensitive, based on a deep appreciation of the qualities of the host building and the potential of the new programme.”

To read more about the shortlist for the RIBA Stirling Prize 2016, click below.

Blavatnik School Of Government

Outhouse Gloucestershire by Loyn & Co Architects

Trafalgar Place – Elephant and Castle

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£160M funding for A6 improvements between L’Derry and Belfast

The Freight Transport Association has welcomed news of £160M funding for improvements to the A6 between L’Derry and Belfast saying local businesses and residents will benefit from greater economic benefits and increased safety.

The decision was announced by Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard and will see the dualling of a 14.7km stretch of the road from Randalstown to Castledawson. Ground investigation is currently on-going and work will begin in October.

The improvements will see increased road safety benefits as most of the current A6 is single-carriageway, with HGVs over 7.5 tonnes restricted to a maximum speed of 40mph while cars are restricted to a maximum 60mph.  The move will cut long tailbacks and will hopesfullyend edangerous overtaking manoeuvres performed by some road users.  The new dual carriageway will enable safer overtaking opportunities while goods vehicles can travel at a more efficient speed.

Seamus Leheny, Policy Manager for FTA in Northern Ireland, said: “FTA has lobbied for improvements to this route for a long time so we are delighted that the first stage of the upgrade between Randalstown & Castledawson will soon get underway. The A6 has been a constant source of frustration to our members in Northern Ireland due to the long delays many of them suffer when transporting goods on this road.

“An improved and more efficient A6 will not only reduce costs but will open up the north west region for investment, as the ability to get goods to market efficiently and cheaply is a key criterion in attracting such investment and growth.

“We will continue to lobby for further improvements to the A6, with particular emphasis on bringing forward plans for the development of a dual carriageway by-pass of Dungiven which already suffers from heavy traffic and vehicle pollution.”

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Miyerkules, Agosto 17, 2016

BIM update with Jose Oliveira, UK BIM Director at WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff

UK Construction Online’s Matt Brown talks exclusively with Jose A. Oliveira, UK BIM Director at WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, about BIM Level 2; the journey to Level 3 and the role Building Information Modelling is playing in big infrastructure projects.

BIM update with Jose A.Oliveira, UK BIM Director at WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff

With the BIM Level 2 mandate passing in April, what’s your view on how the industry is faring with its implementation?

Based on a few comments that I have heard in the past months, it is clear that most UK companies (if not all) within our industry do not achieve the true meaning of ‘Level 2 BIM’.

I also believe that there are some gaps that were not addressed yet and need a solution. For example, COBie UK 2012 template is still using the Uniclass 1.4, when this has been replaced by the Uniclass 2015. The NBS BIM Toolkit is also not a completed task and much needs to be re-defined properly, i.e. the graphical representation of the LOD 3 and LOD 4 for the MEP equipment and device is bad and may lead to confusion.

I also noticed that there is a lack of understanding of what BIM is and many still associate BIM to purely technologies: “Are you doing BIM? Yes, I am using Revit…”

BIM is a process or concept (and is definitely not like CAD); the focus is to improve the communication and collaboration. However, I think we should add coordination, to enable an effective and harmonious relationship between these key elements. I call the 3 C’s of BIM – Communication, Collaboration and Coordination.

What’s your take on the current state of the journey to Level 3?

First of all, I would say that we need to close the ‘existing gaps’ of Level 2 BIM and only after should we switch our attention to Level 3 BIM, which is targeted for 2025.

The true aims for ‘Level 3 BIM’ remain slightly ambiguous and open to discussion. However, I noticed that some experts and influent individuals in our industry are starting to understand that the major change will happen on the contractual/procurement side. BIM is a process and the current procurement routes are not very ‘user-friendly’ for a BIM project environment.

Currently in the UK, we are already testing a new type of procurement (IPI – Integrated Project Insurance) that took some of the principles of other project delivery systems and is becoming popular in the United States (IPD – Integrated Project Delivery). However, I am not sure how well it will fit the UK industry. In an IPD project, there is no blame culture and risk-reward is shared between all project participants, undoubtedly this will imply a major cultural and management change in the industry.

Some experts also associate the Level 3 BIM to a live ‘single model’ where everyone actively works together… I personally think this is not impossible, but I must admit that there is a lot of work that must be done to achieve this.

Does the government need to firm up its intentions with regards to Level 3 implementation?

 I don’t think so – the intentions are clear, but maybe we need to understand how the government is looking at the industry.

We know what the UK government is looking to achieve in the 2025 targets (Level 3 BIM): cost reduction by 33% (construction and whole life cost), faster project delivery by 50%, reduction by 50% of greenhouse gas emissions and finally to improve our exports in this sector by 50%.

A lot of importance has been placed on the role of large infrastructure projects. What role is BIM playing in these?

I would suggest that if there a great potential to see the real BIM efficiencies in large infrastructure projects. It is well known that the biggest cost in the lifecycle of a built asset is not during the design and construction, but at operations and maintenance stage. Generally, the design and construction is around 20% of the total cost and the operations and main maintenance is the remaining 80%.

In my opinion, this is the reason why the UK government chose to mandate the BIM processes for government construction projects, as they are clearly interested in reducing the costs of their assets.

Are there any positives the construction industry can take from Brexit?

At this stage, I cannot see any direct positive outcome from the referendum result.

Presumably, the strengths of BIM – efficiency, innovation, collaboration, will be even more key to the construction industry in these uncertain economic times?

Obvious, if we look back a few years ago, we can see that BIM industry was born (and grew quickly) slightly after the famous ‘credit crunch’ financial crisis – the UK government made an enormous contribution and boost when they decided to set the targets for ‘Level 2 BIM’. BIM will definitely have potential to make a strong contribute in these uncertain times…


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Ford to build driverless cars for 2021

Ford will build a “high volume” of driverless cars for ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft by 2021.

Carmaker Ford has announced plans on Tuesday (16 August 2016), to mass-produce a fully autonomous self-driving car without a steering wheel by 2021, for companies such as Uber and Lyft.

Ford’s plans outlined a fully autonomous car, with no steering wheel or pedals, in contrast to partly-autonomous vehicles produced by the likes of Tesla, Audi and BMW, which have the ability to self-steer and control speed via sensors on highways.

It expects to have 30 test self-driving Fusion Hybrid cars on the road in California, Arizona and Michigan this year, and 90 next year.

Mark Fields, Ford’s President and Chief Executive, said the next decade would be “defined by automation of the automobile”, comparing the effect that autonomous cars would have on society to the introduction of the assembly line a century ago.

In a speech to workers in Silicon Valley, he said: “We’re dedicated to putting on the road an autonomous vehicle that can improve safety and solve social and environmental challenges for millions of people – not just those who can afford luxury vehicles.”

Ford said it would double its investment in its research centre in the city, and announced a series of investments in automation and sensor technology.

In the past, the company has described itself as a technology company rather than a car maker.

Raj Nair, Ford’s Chief Technical Officer, said: “We have a strategic advantage because of our ability to combine the software and sensing technology with the sophisticated engineering necessary to manufacture high-quality vehicles. That is what it takes to make autonomous vehicles a reality for millions of people around the world.”

In partnership with Chinese firm Baidu, Ford has made a joint investment of $150m (£115M) in Velodyne – a company that works on light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology. LiDAR is the system used for accurately detecting objects around the car. Ford was also part of an investment round that raised $6.6M for Civil Maps – a digital mapping company – as well as money put towards neuroscience research.


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UK Construction Week releases main stage seminar schedule

UK Construction Week has released details of its main stage seminar schedule, with skills, investment and Brexit on the agenda.

The UK’s largest construction trade event, UK Construction Week, had released the details of its comprehensive main stage seminar schedule, with topics such as skills, investment and Brexit.

The event will be hosted by some of the biggest names in broadcasting including George Clarke, Steph McGovern and Victoria Fritz.

Architect and television presenter George Clarke will host day one of the event which will begin with a heavyweight panel discussion centred on Chancellor Goerge Osborne’s quote that the UK doesn’t “train enough or build enough”. Debating reasons for and solutions to the construction industry’s low productivity, investment and inability to attract sufficient new talent, some of the panellists already confirmed include Adrian Belton, Chief Executive of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), Dr Diana Montgomery, Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association (CPA), Paul Nash FCIOB, President of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and David Hancock, Head of Construction at the Cabinet Office.

Seminars entitled “A Tale of Three Cities” will be held throughout the week, which will highlight the opportunities, challenges and lessons to be learned from three of the UK’s most active cities: Birmingham, Manchester and London. The first instalment focuses on Birmingham and will include the views of the infrastructure, commercial and residential sectors plus developers, local authorities, architects and energy professionals.

On the second day of UK Construction Week, visitors will get to hear from industry leaders for the first time since the EU Referendum, where they will have the opportunity to hear about what’s in store for the sector. This will be hosted by business journalist Steph McGovern.

This first seminar is entitled ‘Keep Building; housing in post referendum Britain’ and will cover key challenges facing the UK’s house building market such as funding, planning permission, construction skills and incentives. Confirmed panellists for the debate include Allan Wilen, Economics Director and Head of Market Intelligence for Glenigan, Stephen Hodder, Immediate Past President and Client Ambassador for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and David Cowans, Group Chief Executive at Places for People.

The second seminar will look at ‘How can we drive innovation in construction materials in post-Brexit Britain?’ and some of the confirmed speakers include representatives from the Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA), the Materials Council and infrastructure giant Amey.

Leaders from the BRE Academy, Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), Arup UKMEA Region, Built by Her and Morgan Sindall Group will all offer their opinion and advice on the current skills shortage, and how to construction industry can help fill the gaps with new talent.

The final day of seminars will be hosted by television broadcaster and business journalist Victoria Fritz and will take a closer look at the impact of BIM six months on from the Government’s soft landing deadline. Has it worked in practice? And what support can the industry expect for level 3? Delving questions like these will be put to a senior line up of panellists from Balfour Beatty, Crossrail, RIBA Enterprises and the BRE.


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Reaction to ONS construction industry output figures for June

The Vinden Partnership says we can expect further slowdown in the next quarter.

The Office of National Statistics has released its construction output report for June revealing that a decrease of 0.9% in June compared with May.

June’s figures were 2.2% lower when compared to last year’s figures and marked the six consecutive month of falling output.

In the second quarter of 2016, output was down 0.6% on the first quarter’s figures. A lack of new work was the main driver on the decrease, which fell by 0.8%. The repair and maintenance sector also saw a fall of 0.5%.

When comparing Q2 2016 to the same period last year, construction output fell by 1.4%.

Total new housing and infrastructure decreased by 1.1% and 3.7% respectively compared with the first quarter of 2016.

When compared with Q2 in 2015, there was a fall of 0.1% infrastructure. This was the biggest decrease since the second quarter of 2012.

Housebuilding fell by 0.6% in June compared to May but was actually up 7.6% on the same period last year.

Martin Bennett, a Regional Director of The Vinden Partnership – a leading multi-disciplinary consultant company to the built environment said: “While we are still waiting for the button to be pushed on Brexit, the construction industry is likely to remain in a state of limbo.

“That being said, we shouldn’t forget that the summer period is traditionally a quieter period for the sector. Still, this is likely to mean a similar slowdown in the next quarter.

“The construction industry will be hoping for some positive news in the Autumn Statement in shape of a strong commitment on public investment in infrastructure projects.

“There is still a chronic shortage of homes and lots of projects across the country waiting for the green light. The government needs to do what it can to keep Britain building.”


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Secured by Design launches National Build Approval scheme


Secured by Design (SBD) has launched the SBD National Building Approval (NBA) scheme for developers, builders, architects and public sector specifiers on new build and refurbishment projects. After a one-time sign up, the SBD NBA offers a time-saving alternative method of complying with all aspects of Approved Document Q and other UK building regulations since SBD will perform all due diligence in checking that door, window and roof-light suppliers meet all the requirements of Doc Q. Recognised by Building Control Officers as the benchmark of security conformity, The SBD NBA scheme costs developers just cost £1 for a three year term and has been proven to prevent a significant amount of crime on accredited developments.

The SBD NBA is the latest ‘designing out crime’ initiative from SBD. It provides developers and housebuilders with an efficient and simplified route to compliance with Part Q of Schedule 1 (Security) to the Building Regulations 2010, and the Scottish Building Standard 4.13 – Security. The initiative focuses on the security of the building and members of the scheme receive a Secured by Design certificate which is accepted by Local Authority Building Control Officers and Approved Inspectors as a way of discharging the regulations.

Because the SBD NBA scheme is one-off agreement, signed at the time of joining, it offers housebuilders and developers a significant time and cost saving in achieving security compliance, especially as it covers all future developments during the life-time of the agreement. SBD offers expert advice and guidance throughout the process and by agreeing physical security solutions at the start of the design process, developers can guarantee that their schemes will always meet police security requirements.

Companies that join the SBD NBA scheme will automatically be registered as SBD members, providing proof to local authorities that planning applications are from a responsible developer. Membership of the scheme also signifies police approval for building security and improves pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) scoring.

The SBD NBA Scheme is most often applied to housing schemes but can equally be applied to schools, care homes, offices or any other public building that falls under SBD’s remit. For further details of the scheme, a full guide can be downloaded at http://ift.tt/RDHKJt or by emailing sbdnba@police-cpi.co.uk.

Secured by Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative combining the principles of ‘designing out crime’ with physical security. It is run on behalf of the UK police as part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Ltd services and draws directors from several police forces. Several other crime prevention initiatives operate under the SBD umbrella, including Park Mark, Safer Parking, Secured Environments, NPCC Security Systems Group and the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme.



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Martes, Agosto 16, 2016

Specialist Engineering Contractors’ Group 3-point action plan

SEC Group seeking government support for a 3-point action to help construction industry.

The Specialist Engineering Contractors’ Group has requested confirmation that construction is within the new Economic & Industrial Strategy Cabinet Committee, which work to promote productivity and innovation.

Looking to the future of construction, the request suggests that targets and action plans should be included in order to raise production levels in all industry sectors.

SEC Group is made up of the Plumbing and Heating Contractors’ Alliance, British Constructional Steelwork Association, Electrical Contractors’ Association, Building and Engineering Services Association, Lift and Escalator Industry Association and Select (Electrical Contractors’ Association for Scotland).

The action plan includes the use of project bank accounts and ring-fencing of cash retentions in order to contend with a lack of cash flow security, the replacement of out-of-date procurement and contracting practises with modern methods and a further look into digital technologies. The third point in the plan suggests a level playing feel which will encourage SMEs to invest in innovation that will improve productivity, and make it easier for SMEs to enter the industry.

Trevor Hursthouse, Chairman of the SEC, said: “Having run an engineering SME for over 40 years I believe that the way forward for the industry, with strong support from government, is to focus on achieving greater efficiencies through eliminating wasteful and non-productive activities.

“Post-Brexit we have to be leaner and fitter as an industry to add greater value to our clients (not cost) and to enable investment in the technologies that will ultimately improve the commercial health of the industry’s SMEs that deliver the bulk of its output.  We are asking that the government gets on board to help us drive the necessary changes.”

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