Huwebes, Agosto 25, 2016

Number of new homes built increases

New figures released today have revealed that the number of new homes built has increased by six per cent in the last year.

The news will be a welcome boost to the government as it endeavours to meet its ambitious housebuilding programme.

According to the latest house building data, 139,030 new homes were completed in the year to June and have continued to build gradually over the last two years.

The figures indicate strong regional growth in London, Swindon and Wakefield, which are all experiencing high levels of completions.

Delivery in London saw 24% more homes being built in the year to June 2016 in comparison to 2015 with local authorities in Greenwich and Waltham Forest seeing completions rise 126% and 103% respectively over the same period.

Swindon and Wakefield also saw completions increase by 104% and 41% respectively.

The government has committed to building enough homes to satisfy demand and is investing £8Bn to build 400,000 more affordable homes to rent and buy.

It is hoped that the Housing and Planning Act will help deliver on its plan to build a million more homes by making sure councils continue to play a significant role in delivery, and through new measures that will allow them to deliver more homes more quickly.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said: “We’ve got the country building again with more new homes started and built than this time last year.

“This is real progress but there is much more to do. That’s why we are going further and increasing our investment in house building to ensure many more people can benefit.”


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The post Number of new homes built increases appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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