Lunes, Enero 16, 2017

Drop in session ahead of Dawlish construction flood prevention scheme

Residents invited to find out more about construction scheme that will protect 2,900 properties around River Exe.

Residents and interested parties will have the opportunity to find out more about the construction phase of Dawlish beach management scheme, aimed at reducing the risk of flooding to over 2,900 properties around the River Exe.

The drop-in session, which will take place on Thursday 26 January at mount Pleasant Inn, Dawlish Warren, will inform residents about the £14M Dawlish beach management scheme, which gets underway this month.

The Environment Agency and Teignbridge District Council are working together and aim to complete the project by September.

Richard Cox, Project Manager for the Environment Agency said: “We are pleased construction starts on site this month. We have invested a great deal of energy and time planning this scheme and have kept those who live and work in Dawlish and surrounding areas informed of developments. I would like to encourage as many people as possible to come along to the drop-in session and learn how we plan to build the works over the next nine months.

“We are phasing works so that construction on the most heavily used sections of beach at the western end of the Warren are complete before the 2017 summer school holidays. Access to at least some part of the beach will be maintained at all times.

“The safety and interests of the public remain our main consideration throughout the works.”

Councillor Humphrey Clemens, Teignbridge District Council’s executive portfolio holder for housing and planning, including coastal services, said: “We are delighted work gets underway in Dawlish this month. We are committed to protecting and preserving the environment in the best way possible. Dawlish Warren is a jewel in the crown of our district but is also a fragile environment that nurtures wildlife and acts as a natural barrier against storm waves.

“The overall scheme will not only help to reduce flood risk but will also benefit the wildlife, visitors and local traders in years to come.

During the winter storms of 2015/2016, significant damage was done to the groynes, which led to a package of emergency works being completed over spring and summer 2016.

These have given a head start to the main works in 2017.

Contractor BMMJV will carry out construction.

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The post Drop in session ahead of Dawlish construction flood prevention scheme appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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