Huwebes, Hunyo 8, 2017

Modern apprenticeship starts in Scotland exceed target

The increase in modern apprenticeships leaves Scotland well on track for 30,000 by 2020

Minister for Employability and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “I welcome these statistics which show we are exceeding our Modern Apprenticeship targets with employers clearly recognising the value of the opportunities they bring to increase skills in our workforce and encourage new talent.

The Skills Development Scotland’s Modern Apprenticeship statistics for the fourth quarter of 2016/17 revealed that over the course of the year, the number of Modern Apprenticeship starts exceeded the 2016/2017 target of 26,000.

A total of 76% (19,847) of new starts were aged between 24.

The largest proportion of new starts (23%) were in the construction industry.

“As we work towards our 2020 target of expanding the number of Modern Apprenticeship starts to 30,000 each year, we are growing, widening and enhancing the apprenticeship programme to respond to employers’ needs.

“This work is paying off as we are among the countries with the lowest youth unemployment rates in the EU.

“We are continuing to enhance our Modern Apprenticeships so they bring the right balance of opportunities to suit employers and the workforce.

“In 2017 we are expanding the number of Graduate Level and Foundation Apprenticeships, giving more individuals the chance to take on work-based learning through universities and schools.

“We have introduced a new Rural Supplement to help support training provision in more remote areas, we are removing public sector restrictions around MA funding, increasing the opportunities for apprentices over 25, and enhancing contribution rates for disabled people and those under the age of 29 with experience of care.”

Across the UK, with the current skills shortage a concern within the construction industry, these figures are welcome news that there is positive action being taking the address the need to create the next generation of construction workers.

The post Modern apprenticeship starts in Scotland exceed target appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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