Miyerkules, Nobyembre 8, 2017

Year of Engineering envoy announced

With ‘The Year of Engineering’ just around the corner, the government has announced its envoy, Stephen Metcalfe MP, who will help support the campaign and drive cross-party support.

The Year of Engineering seeks to address the engineering skills gap and encourage more young people into the industry. The campaign will see students, teachers, and parents brought face-to-face with industry role models and tackle engineering challenges.

With the industry facing a shortfall of 20,000 engineering graduates a year, the campaign will see the government join forces with industry top widen the pool of young recruits. Diversity will also be tackled in the industry, with a workforce that is 91% make and 94% white.

Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling welcomed the saying: “Engineering is one of the most productive sectors in our economy, but a lack of graduates entering the profession is damaging growth. With major investment being made in infrastructure and new technologies that aim to improve the way we travel, work and live, it’s crucial to the nation’s success that more people join the profession.

“That’s why I’m delighted that Stephen Metcalfe has accepted the role of Government Envoy for the Year of Engineering. This year-long campaign is our opportunity to encourage young people from all backgrounds to see the creativity, opportunity and value of engineering. I know our new envoy will bring knowledge, experience and commitment to the role, engaging with government colleagues and industry to ensure that the campaign reaches young people, their parents and their teachers in all parts of the UK.”

Stephen Metcalfe MP said: “When I was asked to take on this important role I had no hesitation in accepting.

“Growing the interest in, and awareness of engineering and careers within the sector is vital to inspiring the next generation of engineers and ensuring our future economic success.

“Engineering has the ability to tackle some of the great challenges the country and the world faces while also providing well paid and rewarding careers.

“I hope our combined efforts in 2018 will help us engineer a better, brighter future for all.”


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The post Year of Engineering envoy announced appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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