Martes, Abril 3, 2018

Five trends in data centre construction and design

UKIS Gold Sponsor: Enterprise Ireland

UKIS Gold Sponsor: Enterprise Ireland

According to a new Enterprise Ireland White Paper, produced in conjunction with the Data Centre Dynamics Group, the population’s insatiable appetite for secure, connected, mobile information has led to the evolution of ‘hyperscale facilities’, which has important implications for data centre procurement, design and construction.

Below, John Hunt, Senior Market Advisor at Enterprise Ireland, explores the trends which will affect the future of data centre construction and design.

John Hunt

John Hunt

Ireland has a competitive edge as one of the principal data centre hubs for many of the world’s technology giants, including Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Dell EMC, Yahoo, IBM, HP, Facebook, Equinix and Digital Reality.

With the rise of technologies in an ever-connected world, data centres are also evolving into larger, denser, more converged and scalable facilities than ever before. Some of the companies we support are increasingly flagging important issues and trends which will affect the sector moving forward.

Below are a few, in particular, to watch out for, to ensure success:

1) The rise of larger facilities due to ‘digital twinning’

As cloud-based technologies, the Internet of Things and 5G continue to drive demand, ‘digital twinning’ between the real and cyber world will continue to grow. In turn, this will be beneficial for smart communities, towns and cities, highlighting an increase in the value of data and demand for larger data facilities.

2) Opportunities for collaboration between hyper-scale facilities and smaller data centres

Make sure you capitalise on parallels between smaller and larger data centre facilities, such as the importance of the cloud and new smarter technologies. There may also be opportunities for collaboration and shared knowledge to be considered.

3) Digital transformation and edge computing

Edge computing has risen to the forefront of the debate in recent years as smart cities, the Internet of Things and ‘connected everything’ place a focus on not only the speed at which data is analysed, but also how and where that secure capacity is processed and delivered. With edge quickly gaining traction, build sector companies should ensure they are prepared for a new era of digital transformation.

4) Changing business needs

Whether looking to support critical applications or simply manage day-to-day operations, the needs of every company vary. Implement processes to better manage facilities and better juggle in-house and outsourced processes. This will help future-proof facilities.

5) The importance of collaboration

Data centres are a in a state of constant flux, so working with flexible and responsive partners is key to success. Build strong relationships and value your suppliers. Find businesses which are leaders in their specialist areas and which can advise you on innovative technologies. For instance, off-site construction and BIM are gaining momentum, and we’re increasingly seeing UK companies turn to Irish specialists in these areas.

This year and beyond, make sure you keep an eye on the above trends, which will help shape your strategy. In a rapidly evolving sector, stay flexible and adaptable, and success will follow.

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