Miyerkules, Abril 25, 2018

Independent review of housing policy in Wales

The Welsh Government has confirmed its intention to review housing policy in Wales.

Announced by Minister for Housing & Regeneration, Rebecca Evans AM, the independent review comes just five months after the launch of Housing Horizons and Community Housing Cymru’s call for a policy review, investigating how the sector can deliver the 75,000 affordable homes promised and establish good housing as a basic right for all in Wales.

The review will be chaired by Lynn Pamment and will consider how to double the rate of affordable home building in Wales, encompassing such issues as rent policy, affordability, grant and standards. The review will be independent of government and recommendations will be shared with the Minister in 2019.

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said: “Housing associations in Wales have ambitions to build a minimum of 75,000 affordable homes in Wales over the next twenty years – doubling the current delivery rate. However, housing is much more than bricks and mortar; the whole life journey takes place in a home. It’s where strong communities and, therefore, solid local businesses can be established.

“Everybody deserves to live in a good quality home, and have the opportunity to live a prosperous, healthy, well-connected life. That’s why in November 2017 we launched ‘Housing Horizons’, our sector vision to make good housing a basic right for all. This far reaching ambition cannot be achieved without a full analysis of Welsh housing policy and how this is put into practice, so we are delighted the Minister has backed our call for a review.

“Through the review we can establish the most effective policy environment to meet our affordable home delivery ambition and build a solid foundation for current and future generations. If we get this review right, it will be a big step towards solving the housing crisis.”

CIH Cymru director Matt Dicks welcomed the review, but says it must consider housing alongside education, health, social care, public protection and economic development.

He said: “We welcome today’s announcement into a review of housing policy in Wales. The review is focussed on housing development which we feel is sensible given the one-year lifespan of this work. There is clearly a recognition of the role local authorities can increasingly play in boosting the supply of affordable homes and the standards homes should meet to be fit for the future.

“As the work-plan is drawn-up we believe it is vital to consider:

  • The need to create a cohesive one housing system approach that focuses on delivering the right mix of homes – it should not just be an exercise in numbers
  • Continuing to be ambitious in the standards and quality we want to see in our homes both now and in the future
  • Placing affordability at the heart of the review and ensuring that the impact on people’s lives is at the forefront of discussions

“This review cannot be an exercise in isolation and should show an awareness of the developments in education, health, social care, public protection and economic development if we are to see true progress that connects services in the right way.

“We are looking forward to engaging fully with the review, bringing the experiences of housing professionals to life as we continue to utilise the expertise and insight of our members to shape housing policy in Wales.”

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The post Independent review of housing policy in Wales appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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