Martes, Abril 30, 2019

Stornoway awards deep water port design contract

Stornoway Port Authority has awarded a design contract to civil engineers Wallace Stone for a deep water port.

The new deep water port is due to be one of the biggest projects ever undertaken in the Hebrides. Marine consulting civil engineers Wallace Stone have been chosen for phase 1 of the project, which forms part of a 20-year plan to increase tourism and provide jobs in the area.

Work will include land remodelling, dredging, land reclamation, a new quay, finger pier and linkspan and associated civil engineering works. The port will allow cruise ships and other large vessels up to 350 metres to dock in the port, allowing for increased tourism and exports to the area.

Aileen Campbell, the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government said: “Our coastal seas are a central feature of Scotland’s economy and our plans for job creation and economic growth. Remote communities in particular benefit from marine tourism which generates additional business, jobs and prosperity.”

“The creation of a new deep-water facility, which will allow cruise ships to berth alongside, will have a positive effect on the wider economy for years to come.”

“Through the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund, the Scottish Government has contributed £1.75m to the marina project. We are fully supportive of the ports industry, and we recognise the hugely beneficial impact Stornoway Port Authority (SPA) has on both the local, regional and national economy.”

A turf-cutting ceremony was attended by Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy Kate Forbes and representatives from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council), Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Stornoway Sailing Club. Through the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Capital Grant Fund, the council and Scottish Government are contributing £2.75 million to the marina project, while HIE has approved £3.5 million.

It is hoped the new port will allow 35-40 large vessels to berth alongside the port a year, generating up to 200 jobs and introducing new industries including renewable energy. An upgraded marina is also planned, with an engineering workshop and infrastructure to support future development.

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The post Stornoway awards deep water port design contract appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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