Martes, Pebrero 18, 2020

Cornwall to be unburdened by a new A30 upgrade scheme

The duchy of Cornwall is set to benefit from the carrying out of a highway improvement scheme on the A30 motorway between Chiverton and Carland Cross, after finally getting approval from the Department for Transport to upgrade the carriageway.

For years the A30 has been a burden on Cornwall, causing widespread congestion and hindering the local economy as a result, but, now that the Secretary for Transport has approved a Planning Consent Order, the duchy has finally been afforded room to grow and flourish.

The Roads Minister, Baroness Vere stated: “This Government is committed to delivering an infrastructure revolution and levelling up access across the country.

“This vital upgrade of the A30 will improve safety, cut congestion, boost access for drivers on their daily commute, and create better journeys for the surrounding communities.”

To be specific, the improvement scheme will involve the dualling of the A30 carriageway as well as the construction of a two-level junction at Chiverton Cross, a two-level junction at Carland Cross, and a partial junction at Chybucca. Furthermore, construction will also entail the delivery of new motorway bridges at Tolgroggan Farm, Pennycomequick Lane, and the Allet to Tresawsen, with the entire project coming with a price tag of £290M.

The Highways England Senior Project Manager, Josh Hodder commented: “We are delighted to receive the Secretary of State’s decision, which represents a major step in developing a scheme to help unlock congestion, promote economic growth and bring out better connectivity for local communities along the A30. Improving the A30 between Chiverton and Carland Cross is incredibly important for Cornwall’s future.

“It is the only remaining stretch of single carriageway on the A30 between Camborne and the M5 at Exeter; journeys on this part of the road are regularly delayed, congestion often brings traffic to a standstill, and as a result the Cornish economy is being held back.

The Cornwall Council Portfolio Holder for Transport, Councillor Geoff Brown added: “This is very welcome news for Cornwall. The scheme will help to improve journey times for local people, businesses and visitors, there is strong support locally to improve this stretch of the A30, and the project will build upon the excellent working relationship that we have with Highways England.”

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The post Cornwall to be unburdened by a new A30 upgrade scheme appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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