Huwebes, Pebrero 13, 2020

Esther McVey sacked amid cabinet ‘reshuffle’

The British Housing Minister, Esther McVey, has been named as one of the major Conservative figures to be sacked in a recent cabinet “reshuffling” by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Among the Ms McVey on the list of key individuals to have lost their jobs today are the Northern Ireland Secretary, Julian Smith, the Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom, the Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers, the Transport Minister, Nusrat Ghani, the Education Minister, Chris Skidmore, and the Transport Minister, George Freeman.

In addition to these “sackings”, the Culture Secretary, Nicky Morgan, and the Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, have both resigned, though is has been known for some time now that Ms Morgan planned to leave her position.

Former Minister McVey released an official statement on Twitter saying: “I am very sorry to be relieved of my duties as Housing Minister. I wish my successor the very best and every success.  I am very grateful to the Prime Minister for having given me the opportunity to serve in his government and he will continue to have my support from the back benches.”

Commenting on his own resignation, Former Attorney General Cox also tweeted: “I have been truly privileged to have served as Attorney General during the recent turbulent political times. I am now leaving the Government at the PM’s request. I shall continue to represent and stand up strongly for the interests of Torridge and West Devon.”

According to reports, the Prime Minister is also expected to appoint a new Transport Minister for the sole purpose of overseeing the construction of High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) which was also confirmed as going ahead at the start of this week.

Minister expected to receive a promotion, following these sackings, are speculated to include Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Suella Braverman, Gillian Keegan, Oliver Dowden, Alok Sharma, Victoria Atkins, Oliver Dowden, Kwasi Kwarteng, and Lucy Frazer.

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The post Esther McVey sacked amid cabinet ‘reshuffle’ appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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