Huwebes, Mayo 28, 2020

Sector Guidance for Easing Lockdown

New guidance has been published by the Scottish Government to help retailers and manufacturers to consider safely returning to work, with updated guidance for the construction industry publishing later in the week.

The new documents, which are amongst the first for a number of specific sectors, have been developed in partnership with business, trade unions and regulators in order to provide the best advice on essential equipment and services which are needed to create the conditions for a safer workplace.

Businesses and companies are expected to undertake a robust risk management approach, which has been developed and maintained through joint working with employees. This will also offer assurances to workers when the time is right to return to work.

Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop said:

“Many businesses have been adapting to new ways of working with a significant proportion of staff working from home. While many people will continue with this, there are areas where it is not possible. We are listening to how businesses have made changes and in discussion with them to see how these changes can be safely applied to allow reopening.

“We’ve been working in partnership with industry, trades unions and regulators in around 14 sectors and will publish more sector-specific guidance over the next few weeks. However, I want to be clear that the journey doesn’t end once the guidance is published. This is just the starting point and these documents will continually evolve, where required, based on public health evidence and feedback from industry and trade unions.

“Guidance on its own, will not create safe working environments. We continue to work closely with the key enforcement agencies – the Health and Safety Executive, local authorities and Police Scotland – to ensure a joined up approach to the enforcement and monitoring of workplace public health measures.

“We are already supporting businesses through our unique package of support totalling £2.38 billion which reflects the specific needs of our economy. Our recovery will be an opportunity to renew our economy and build our resilience and future prosperity.”

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The post Sector Guidance for Easing Lockdown appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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