Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018

Public sector energy measures could save UK government £340 million

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark has unveiled new energy measures as the government looks to implement its industrial strategy and get behind clean growth.

Following on from the Prime Minister’s comments last month, Mr Clark outlined how the government would deliver on its Clean Growth Grand Challenge of halving energy consumption in all new builds by 2030. Building on this momentum, the Energy Secretary also announced that the government would look to achieve a 43% reduction in public sector greenhouse gas emissions by 2019/20 in comparison to 2009/10.

“Our new, ambitious target for reducing emission across our central estate shows how this government is continuing to lead the world and rise to the challenge of tackling climate change,” said Mr Clark. “We have made significant progress so far, meeting our previous target three years early and saving just over £100 million last financial year as a result.

“The potential savings from this can make a big difference across the wider public sector, with the NHS saving £2 billion over the last decade; money that can be put straight back into frontline services where it’s needed most.”

The Energy Secretary later launched the £18 million Industrial Heat Recovery Support Programme to encourage British industry to invest in heat recovery technologies and better harness energy that would otherwise go to waste. Lastly, Mr Clark introduced the Construction Sector Deal which urges the building, digital, energy and manufacturing trades to fully explore new approaches to improving productivity and accelerating delivery of living and learning spaces that use less energy.

Mr Clark continued: “Of the more than $11 trillion investment expected in global power in the next three decades, 86% – is expected to be in low carbon. And by 2040, electric vehicles could make up over half of global car sales, compared to 1% today. We will be working with businesses to highlight these opportunities during the first ever annual Green GB Week starting on the 15 October.”

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