Miyerkules, Marso 18, 2020

New neighbourhood planned on the site of the disused Ford Airbase

The former site if the Ford Airbase in West Sussex is set to undergo a dramatic change following the formulation of a new neighbourhood plan that will provide 1,500 new homes in a highly sustainable location.

Going into more detail, the Ford Neighbourhood Plan, which was approved by the local community following a referendum in 2018, includes approximately 1,500 new homes in addition to a primary school, a care homes, retail space, allotments, play spaces, football pitches, Arun Sports Arena, and Children’s Flying Fortress family entertainment centre.

The scheme is being undertaken by a partnership of the contractor company Wates Residential and Redrow Homes, under the instruction of the Arun District Council.

A representative of Wates Developments and Redrow Southern Counties Homes stated: “We are delighted this ground-breaking neighbourhood planning led development at Ford has reached the stage of outline planning submission with the support of the local Ford community.

“We are not aware of any other neighbourhood planning process in the country bringing forward a single allocation of 1,500 new homes through a positive and collaborative engagement that has extended over six years to date. This success illustrates what can be achieved through constructive neighbourhood planning where there is clarity of purpose and imagination on all sides.

“As the masterplan for the site was developed ahead of the planning submissions, there has been continued consultation with all local stakeholders. Consequently, a high-quality sustainable proposal has been developed that meets local needs, particularly the creation of a new community heart for Ford, which has been the Parish’s central concern from the outset.

“We aim for this true collaboration between local community and developers to continue and bring this complex site fruition, delivering much-needed new homes, community facilities and jobs to the area.”

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The post New neighbourhood planned on the site of the disused Ford Airbase appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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