Miyerkules, Abril 1, 2020

Help for framework contractors

Building contractors struggling with public sector jobs are being urged to seek help from local framework experts.

Building contractors, specialist sub-contractors and manufacturers throughout the UK are being advised to talk to their regional framework partners as quickly as possible if they are struggling to deliver any public sector works, have seen projects paused or are worried about payment.

LHC, the country’s longest running framework provider, is sending information to all approved suppliers on its frameworks with updated advice on how to manage the risks arising from the current COVID-19 crisis.

This follows the publication of two policy notes from the Cabinet Office, including one which explained how suppliers should be paid by public sector clients as quickly as possible to maintain cashflow and protect jobs, and even paid in advance in some situations.

John Skivington, group director of LHC, said: “The latest Cabinet Office advice allows for a relaxation of procurement rules in some specific circumstances, and encourages councils, social landlords and other public sector bodies to pay suppliers as quickly as possible. You may even be entitled to get up to 25% of the project payment made in advance.

“No appointed company should need to struggle alone. Through LHC’s network of local offices we are uniquely placed to provide region-specific reassurance and to support to our appointed companies, including speaking to clients on your behalf. Whatever the problem, we can work it out. Just pick up the phone and talk to your local framework expert – it’s at times like this that these local relationships matter most.”


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The post Help for framework contractors appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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