Martes, Marso 1, 2016

Invasive Species Week launched

This week marks the second annual Invasive Species Week and the government is calling on gardeners, sportspeople and anglers to help the UK keep the threat of non-native species at bay.

The Minister of Biosecurity, Lord Gardiner, made the call as he launched Invasive Species Week yesterday.

Invasive non-native species (INNS) cost the British economy £1.7Bn a year and poses a significant problem to the construction and property industry. In an effort to help prevent INNS arriving and spreading, Defra and the GB Non-native Species Secretariat are holding this week to help raise awareness of the issue.

The event will bring together organisations from across Britain who can help to prevent INNS from causing damage to landscapes, property and native wildlife.

Lord Gardiner said: “Our country has some of the most precious wildlife and beautiful landscapes in the world, but by clogging pipes, overpowering plants and disturbing ecosystems, invasive non-native species can pose a risk to animal, plant and even human health.

“By checking and cleaning our water sport equipment after use and making sure garden plants do not escape into the wild, we can all help stop the spread of invasive non-native species. I hope people use this week to learn more about the simple steps they can take to protect our natural environment.”

Niall Moore, Chief Non-native Species Officer and Head of the GB Non-native Species Secretariat, said: “Invasive non-native species are one of the key threats to our wildlife and natural environment, and can be extremely costly and difficult to manage if allowed to establish. Help to prevent this from happening by getting involved and spreading the message during Invasive Species Week.”

The post Invasive Species Week launched appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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