Biyernes, Hunyo 24, 2016

Brexit: The impact on the UK property market

Following the announcement that Britain is no longer part of the European Union, we hear how it will effect the UK property market.

Urban Exposure CEO, Randeesh Sandhu, comments on the ‘Leave’ result in the UK’s EU referendum and the impact on the UK property market:

“While markets may react negatively to today’s ‘Leave’ vote, the fundamentals underpinning the UK housing market still remain attractive.

“In the short-term, while there may be an impact on decision-making and activity levels, we also expect to see an increase in interest from foreign investors if sterling devalues to the extent many have predicted.

“Indeed, the UK still has unique appeal as a market for international purchasers – from the mixture of characteristics including our quality of life, culture and diversity, ownership security and legal system, time zone advantages for international business, language, schooling and education.

“A return to ‘business as usual’ may take longer than if we had remained as the specifics of a ‘Brexit’ will take time to determine and therefore there will continue to be a period of uncertainty. It is important that the government pays close attention to the key risks that could affect the sector during these talks – for example, the impact on the supply of labour, which could further exacerbate the acute shortages of skilled workers for UK construction firms if Brexit restricts migration from the EU into the UK.

“Change will come out of the UK leaving the EU, but the imbalance between demand and supply in the UK housing market will endure.

“So while buyers may pause as the implications of Brexit are figured out, over the medium to long-term we do not expect housing markets to change drastically as a result of the vote.”

The post Brexit: The impact on the UK property market appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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