Biyernes, Hunyo 24, 2016

NFB: Construction is key to a thriving United Kingdom outside the EU

The UK has officially voted to leave the EU, following a referendum on the country’s EU membership terms held on 23 June.

Jenny Watson, Chair of the Electoral Commission, announced that 17,410,742 (51.9%) of registered voters wanted to leave the EU against 16,141,241 (48.1%) who wished to remain.

A recent survey, conducted by the National Federation of Builders, which was open to 100 individuals from the NFB, revealed that majority would rather leave the EU than remain in the economic-political union.

In total, 47% said their business would benefit more from being outside the EU, with 33% stating that remaining would be of greater benefit.

Speaking exclusively to UK Construction Media, Mr Bogle said: “The majority of NFB panel members who think their business and the UK would be better out of the EU, reflects how little business construction SMEs conduct with the EU.”

The NFB have a broad membership that touches all areas of construction, including housebuilding.

“Major issues such as increasing the rate of house building are within the UK’s control.

“Given impartial information, NFB members prove they can deliver local value while maintaining a global perspective.”

He told UK Construction Media: “While skills and immigration are a concern, they are not enough of a worry to dismiss the efforts being made to attract home grown talent to the construction industry to help improve its image.”

The NFB hopes that the government will not repeat past mistakes of cutting capital spending to communities and local Government. Construction remains a key driver of economic performance and will need a committed level of investment over the coming years.

Richard Beresford, Chief Executive of the NFB, said: “While we have a decision, there still remains economic uncertainty. What we need now more than ever are clear heads making decisions for the long term. Every £1 invested in construction generates £2.84 in wider economic benefits. This is the very time to show that the UK has the industrial capacity and intellectual capital to thrive outside the EU.”


The post NFB: Construction is key to a thriving United Kingdom outside the EU appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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