Lunes, Hunyo 20, 2016

Enterprise Ireland exports pass €20Bn

Last year saw an increase of 10% in exports for Enterprise Ireland companies in comparison to 2014, reaching a record total of €20.6Bn.

Enterprise Ireland is a government body that help and develop Irish companies to enable them export to international markets.

According to the figures released today, the increase means that the amount is now nearly double the amount was ten years ago.

A substantial increase in growth was recorded in all sectors, with the biggest rises being seen in software, construction and manufacturing:

  • 32% in exports for internationally traded software companies to €1.8Bn
  • 21% in exports for construction and consumer companies to €2.8Bn
  • 11% in exports by manufacturing companies to €3.4Bn
  • 3% in exports by food companies to €10.6Bn

The figures revealed that exports increased across most territories with exports to the USA and Canada increasing by 27% to nearly €3Bn; exports to the UK increasing by 12% to €7.5Bn, and exports to Northern Europe increasing by 8% to €4.2bn.

Commenting on the results, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD said: “Irish companies continue to deliver for the Irish economy and the figures announced today show the strength and capabilities of Irish companies competing at a global level. I would like to congratulate the exporters and also Enterprise Ireland for supporting these companies in achieving these record exports”.

Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland said: “Enterprise Ireland’s role is to help Irish companies export globally. The 2015 export figure of €20.6Bn demonstrates the scale of the success that Irish companies are seeing in terms of winning business at record levels internationally. Significantly, growth was recorded across all sectors and we are seeing that diversification into high growth markets is a focus for our clients.

“The UK remains our largest export market, but we are seeing a trend whereby the exports to the UK as a proportion of our total client exports has declined from 45% in 2005 to 37% in 2015, as more companies have diversified their export strategies into Northern Europe, the USA and high growth markets including China, India, the Gulf and Brazil”.

The post Enterprise Ireland exports pass €20Bn appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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