Martes, Oktubre 3, 2017

Connectivity in Construction


Construction site offices are temporary, but they still need the ability to connect to central databases and systems. They require fast, secure connectivity from the start of the project. Wired line solutions rarely meet this time-sensitive objective, often resulting in months of costly delays between the project start and the ‘Internet on’ date. In an industry where time wasted in money wasted, it is in the best interests of everyone to get the site connection up and running as quickly as possible.

Options such as USB modems are not rugged enough or business-grade – these devices frequently break and fail to deliver the quality of connection required. As the use of more advanced Internet-reliant applications – for example Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital marketing suites – continues to grow in the construction industry, the need for increased bandwidth and reliability is more important than ever.

The benefits of wireless and the cloud

LTE, commonly known as 4G, is helping businesses achieve ‘always on’ network connectivity. In the early stage of a construction project, sites are often void of luxuries such as power, Internet and telecommunications. Organised site managers will have a generator and fuel at the top of their requirement list and will be relentless in their pursuit of reliability. 4G provides a lifeline to the corporate offices and gives the site team crucial access to Internet connectivity.

The technologies built into the LTE networking standard allow mobile network operators to get more capacity out of the same resource, which means the network can handle more traffic and achieve faster speeds. Since the launch of 4G across the UK in 2012, the reliability and speed offered by the technology has been transformative. With the latest innovations in networking, businesses are no longer limited to fixed-line services.

Wireless networks require constant management. When the network is highly distributed and many of the locations temporary, consistent physical access to equipment can be impossible. Cloud-based management software means networks are easier to configure, deploy and maintain. Matched with the scale and speed of 4G, this means businesses can get on-site or get temporary networks up and running incredibly quickly. The speed, flexibility and reliability offered by these networks means construction companies can be assured of 24/7 connectivity from day one.

Why LTE is the best option for construction

4G networking means that when it comes to working remotely, construction businesses no longer need to wait weeks to be up and running – they can get going without having to wait for expensive cable installations. Some 4G wireless routers reduce the time it takes to set up a remote project sites from around 30 days to less than 48 hours. This means that engineers and designers can start work almost as soon as they are on-site, an efficiency that would not have been possible prior to 4G.

For permanent locations, 4G also provides an ideal failover solution. Outages can prove massively detrimental, both to your bottom line as well as your brand. If your network is fully reliant on a wired line, it can be more at risk of severe disruption. Using a 4G router as your backup is the perfect solution. 4G can pick up if the main network fails, offering seamless connectivity at broadband speeds. A failsafe is essential for the construction industry, as a site’s connection to central databases and systems needs to be secured, even if the wired line fails.

By leveraging the power of 4G LTE wireless network solutions, construction companies can implement fast, secure connectivity from day one of the site build — empowering the site to progress at full speed, right from the start. A wireless solution delivers a reliable, temporary network — giving sites the fast, consistent network access they need, whenever and wherever they need it.


By Hubert Da Costa, VP EMEA at Cradlepoint

The post Connectivity in Construction appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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