Miyerkules, Enero 22, 2020

Caledonian modular construction appointed to £3Bn framework

The modular construction company Caledonian can now expand on their educational development project portfolio courtesy of their appointment to Lots One and Two of the Department for Education’s Modern Methods of Construction Framework, with both Lots possessing a combined value of £3Bn.

To provide further detail, Caledonian was appointed to these lots in partnership with Stride Treglown Architects and was appointed to Lot One alongside five other companies, with the Lot itself valued at £2Bn and covering the offsite construction of secondary school buildings.

By contrast, Lot Two of the Modern Methods of Construction Framework concerns the offsite construction of primary school buildings as well as secondary blocks and is valued at a total figure of £1Bn.

However, both of these Lots actually play to the strengths of Caledonian as they are a company which specialises in the offsite construction of buildings using volumetric techniques, a modern method of construction which is similar to the more widely known ‘modular construction’.

Furthermore, the framework in question was organised by the Department for Education under the instruction of the central government which has pledges to adopt more modern methods of construction in the delivery of government led projects, thus helping to modernise the construction industry while also increasing the number of new companies which can appear in the sector.

The Preconstruction Director at Caledonian Modular, David Johnson stated: “We are delighted to be selected as one of the small team of contractors to work with the Department for Education in continuing to develop standards for education buildings, using high levels of offsite completion to reduce risk, save time and really optimise speed and efficiency of school design and delivery.

“This win comes as a result of us demonstrating our capability and capacity to continue to deliver full turnkey schools to a high quality, in half the time and with significantly less disruption than traditional methods.”

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The post Caledonian modular construction appointed to £3Bn framework appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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