Martes, Enero 14, 2020

The ‘glass half empty’ promise of 5G

The question everyone has been asking: Has 5G truly arrived? Many of the top network operators have already announced the availability of the UK’s first 5G networks, but these new services are surprisingly limited when it comes to geographic coverage, performance and features, focussing on broadband-only applications. Before 5G can become a business reality for UK companies, there are many infrastructural and operational challenges which need to be overcome.

As Nick Sacke, Head of Products and IoT, Comms365 explains, the ‘glass half empty’ promises of 5G need to be put to one side, and companies need to focus on and leverage the proven quality, consistency and reliability of existing wireless networks- especially 4G- to support business communications infrastructure and growth.

The compelling promise

From businesses looking to achieve widespread IoT deployments, to those seeking a viable broadband and leased line replacement alternative or companies struggling in areas of rural connectivity deprivation, on paper 5G appears to have all the answers. It will take several years before 5G offers ubiquitous accessibility – and there are no firm plans to support rural areas and manufacturing – rather, a set of innovation challenges that are funding Consortia projects to look at innovation to address the problem.

The reality today is that 5G – where it is available – is providing enhanced mobile broadband and no more. For those with compatible devices – an issue in itself given the lack of available devices and the Huawei situation – 5G will enable voice calls and broadband internet access. Even then, the promised speeds are not being delivered – customers can expect 150-200Mbps at best, and on the Vodafone commercial plans we see ‘guarantees’ of 2Mbps, 10Mbps or ’the fastest available’ – this falls short of the Gigabit speeds promised.

So why have EE, Vodafone and Three rushed to announce 5G networks that are still more of a half-promise than a reality? An attempt to jump to the market with something, rather than nothing, appears to be the answer.

5G in detail

5G has been promoted as possible alternative to leased lines, yet the promised Fixed Wireless Access based on ‘millimeter wave’ (FWA) – essentially very high-speed connections between two points – require an infrastructure change, one which providers are failing to provide. Rather than towers, FWA is a very short range service and, as such, demands very high antenna density, with small cells (antennas) deployed on buildings, street furniture and lamp posts 10metres apart. Network providers have overestimated the willingness of local authorities and building owners to provide the planning permission required to install antennas on lampposts and buildings. Without antenna density, FWA is not a viable, scalable option for business connectivity; at best companies will have to wait three years or more before 5G offers a viable wireless leased line alternative. At the time of writing, Three UK has recently launched its FWA offering in a few postcode areas in London for home broadband, and already there are accounts of intermittent signal problems impacting performance, which lends weight to the argument for more antenna density being required to achieve stable, repeatable service coverage.

Building on this, smart building technology has the potential to offer a multitude of opportunities, however with the provision of 5G, and the IoT application of these services delayed to 2023, IoT could potentially fall behind; leaving both construction companies and potential users behind the curve when it comes to reaping the promised benefits that the technology has the potential to offer. And if concerns regarding the potential health implications of 5G networks continue, this could only further delay installation. Local authorities will remain wary about public risk. Until the 5G industry is able to address the persistent claims that running high-frequency networks in high density areas is not a risk, planners may meet resistance from schools, hospitals, and community building managers.

The answer to our 5G problems?

Companies can’t afford to postpone much needed network investments in wireless primary and backup services indefinitely. But with 4G networks now mature, the arrival of 5G will address the burgeoning capacity issue for 4G, which is great news; not to mention the recent market price adjustment for 4G has now turned it into a viable option which can deliver a reliable and affordable leased line alternative. Furthermore, IoT is deliverable today using the unlicensed spectrum and other standards, including NarrowBand IoT and LoRaWAN, to enable mass IoT deployments, allowing smart building developers and facilities managers to capitalise on the available technology.


The reality is that 5G technology doesn’t quite live up to expectations. Despite successful deployments across other countries, there are still infrastructural challenges standing in the way of 5G value, and until these are overcome, the significant impact on our business landscape is still some way off.

With the 5G network and service offering as it stands, the investment is difficult to justify from a business perspective. However, in the meantime, businesses can still gain significant value from 4G today- especially with the cost disruption for 4G becoming more compelling when it comes to IoT connectivity.

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The post The ‘glass half empty’ promise of 5G appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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