Martes, Enero 7, 2020

ICE partners with Northumbria University

Training and skills in the construction and civil engineering sector is set to benefit greatly from a recent partnership that has been struck between the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) and Northumbria University.

This partnership, between the professional organisation and the higher education institute, will serve to increase training standards and upskilling, whilst also addressing the skills shortage, by providing civil engineering opportunities to staff and students at Northumbria University.

The ICE Director General, Nick Baveystock stated: “This is an exciting time for engineers, the limits of what we can achieve are changing as technology develops and we have the opportunity to find solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing the global population.

“The cities and structures we are building today will have to cope with a population growth of 38 per cent over the next 20 years. We will see more and more people moving into cities and capacity will be a major issue, different forms of housing will need to be constructed.

“At the same time we have a responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment and ensure the work we carry out is sustainable. Above all we need to talk to the public, listen to what it is they care about and ensure we deliver value in everything we do.”

The Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of Subject at Northumbria University, Martin Crapper added: “The importance of educating civil engineers to tackle future problems is clear and Northumbria is proud to be part of this. A key focus of all our degrees is employability, educating students so that they can make a contribution to society throughout their careers.

“Our ICE Academic Partnership will offer tangible benefits here, helping our students engage with the profession from the earliest stage in their programme, as well as helping the ICE to advance its charitable aims of making the world a better place through civil engineering.”

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The post ICE partners with Northumbria University appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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