Huwebes, Marso 19, 2020

Housing Infrastructure Fund boost for Purfleet

A £75M boost has been given to the regeneration of Purfleet-on-Thames town centre via the Housing Infrastructure Fund.

Purfleet Centre Regeneration Ltd (PCRL) welcomed the Chancellor’s pledge to support the £1Bn regeneration project, which will help transform the Essex town into a world-class creative hub.

Measures addressing the housing crisis have been hampered by lack of infrastructure in prime development areas, the Housing Infrastructure Fund has been designed to address this. The funding for Purfleet will be used to provide vital infrastructure including replacing the level crossing with a bridge over the railway and a new health centre, river wall, drainage and other important utility infrastructure.

Bid proposals for the redevelopment were submitted in 2018 by Thurrock Council, who are working with development partner PCRL, a joint venture between Swan Housing Association and mixed-use regeneration and social infrastructure specialists Urban Catalyst. Together, the two organisations are creating a vibrant new riverside community in Purfleet-on-Thames.

Once completed, the £1Bn regeneration will deliver a new town centre complete with shops and restaurants. Up to 2,850 new homes will be provided as well, alongside an integrated medical centre, improved transport infrastructure and a new primary school.

Later phases will deliver a new university campus creating a world-class education facility with a focus on health and the creative arts.

The green light was given to the regeneration’s first phase in January, with preliminary works on the first phase, which include 61 new family homes, are anticipated to start on site this summer.

Sir Tim Laurence, chairman of PCRL, said: “The Chancellor’s pledge of £75M towards key elements of the regeneration of Purfleet-on-Thames, including a bridge over the railway, a new integrated medical centre and other social infrastructure, is a huge vote of confidence. It demonstrates that infrastructure investment is not just about the big flagship projects like HS2, it’s also about making a real difference to peoples’ lives here in the Thames Estuary and in other regions of the UK. This is a prime example of the Government, Local Authority and private sector working together at all levels to unlock the huge growth potential in this fast-developing area.”

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The post Housing Infrastructure Fund boost for Purfleet appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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