Martes, Marso 17, 2020

Planning system for housing construction in Britain upgraded

The provision of urban housing in Britain is being revolutionised by the imposition of a new planning system which will encourage developers to build in the vicinity of train stations and on brownfield sites while also empowering them to be able to demolish disused structures to make way for housing.

Going into more detail, the new planning system will require all local councils to register any abandoned structures or unused land within their constituencies so that property developers can utilise as much brownfield land as possible, providing viable solutions to the housing crisis while simultaneously preserving the green belt.

Furthermore, the new planning system will allow property developers to demolish any vacant industrial, commercial, or residential structures to make way for new housing, reducing the amount of applications which need to be submitted to councils and therefore also reducing the waiting period for projects to start on site.

This brownfield site registration system will come into force by the December of 2023, with the announcement of these plans preceding a planning white paper that is set to completely revolutionise the planning system in Britain. Developers and local authorities will be encouraged to undertaken high street renovation projects that will be mostly residential led to increase the inner city and central business district (CBD) housing supply.

The Housing Secretary, Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP stated: “I want everyone, no matter where they live, to have access to affordable, safe, quality housing and live in communities with a real sense of place, as part of our mission to level up, unite and unleash the potential of this country.

“We must think boldly and creatively about the planning system to make it fit for the future, and this is just the first step, so we can deliver the homes communities need and help more young people onto the ladder.”

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