Martes, Marso 3, 2020

Upgrades planned for the A47 carriageway in Norfolk

Plans for the upgrading of the A47 carriageway in Norfolk are being put to the public as part of a consultation period, detailing the dualling of five miles of the route between North Tuddenham and Easton while also adding two extra junctions to this section of the road.

Going into more detail, this project forms part of a £300M package of proposed upgrades to the A47 in Norfolk and, should the current sequence of events proceed as planned, construction should commence in 2022 with completion projected another two years ahead for 2024.

The Highways England Programme Lead for the A47, Peter Havlicek stated: “The A47 is a key route connecting East Anglia with the Midlands and upgrading key sections of it will help with economic growth of the region and keep the county connected. The new dual carriageway will improve safety along this part of the A47, as the current road has an average of 14 crashes a year.

“It will also increase capacity, making journey times more reliable, and safer by connecting local roads via the new junctions rather than turning directly on to the A47. There will be new side roads and parts of the existing A47 will be kept open for local traffic including walkers, cyclists, and horse riders, and as a local access road to the new junctions.

“We have used your feedback from the first stage of consultation that we carried out in 2017 to refine our plans.  We know that there is a lot of support for this improvement, and we hope everyone with an interest in this scheme will take part in this next stage consultation to help refine our plans further and deliver the best road.

“People can take part in numerous ways, and we’ll be hosting several events for them to come and talk with the team to share their thoughts, concerns and feedback. This upgraded section of the A47 is one of six schemes we will be doing to improve the A47 between Peterborough and Great Yarmouth, and it is important that we get it right for road users and the people who live along this vital road.”

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The post Upgrades planned for the A47 carriageway in Norfolk appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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