Martes, Hunyo 2, 2015

£1Bn transformation announced by Manchester Airport

Terminal 2 will become the primary terminal building as part of the plans.

A £1Bn investment plan has been unveiled that will transform Manchester Airport in the next ten years.

Announced by Manchester Airports Group (M.A.G), the project will provide state-of-the-art facilities at the airport and will continue the development into a ‘global gateway’.

The changes will see the airport double its capacity and Terminal 2 will become the largest at Manchester Airport.

Terminal 3 will also be enhanced, but the project will see Terminal 1 – built more than 50 years ago – eventually demolished.

The Manchester Airport Transformation Programme will see work undertaken in a phased process so that improvements are made, yet any disruption to passengers is as little as possible.

There are 60 enhancements in this programme that will help to drive economic growth and it is an important part of the Government’s northern powerhouse plans.

Manchester Airport is becoming more and more popular. Last year, passenger numbers exceeded 22 million and directly and indirectly, 45,000 jobs are provided by the airport.

The £1Bn development will see already-existing investment plans updated and re-profiled.

Work will take place within the existing footprint of the airport, benefiting from the areas within the existing terminals.

Serving more than 210 short and long haul destinations and over 70 airlines, the pace of change at Manchester Airport has been vast and the programme of works will help to accelerate this further.

Terminal 3 will be improved so that more flights can be scheduled, while Terminal 2 will benefit from expansion and reconfiguration, making it the airport’s main terminal building.

These two terminals will be linked up thanks to the introduction of enlarged transfer facilities and immigration clearance prior to a flight to America will be provided.

Customers will find the airport an even more accessible place, with further self-service check-in facilities, expanded offering of food and retail outlets, new stands and piers to give better gate facilities at departure.

Getting to and from the airport is also part of the investment, with planned surface improvement on access roads.

Manchester Airport is a huge source of economic activity, with a contribution of £1.8Bn per year, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, welcomed the investment.

He said: “Today’s announcement of £1Bn of private sector investment in Manchester Airport is a massive vote of confidence in the north of England and in our plan to build a northern powerhouse.

“The investment, which will completely transform Manchester Airport and double its capacity, will help ensure that it continues to compete with global airports across the world.

“It will play a key role in this one nation Government’s plan to rebalance the UK economy and boost productivity and is fantastic news for working people across the north.”

An enlarged security hall will have the latest technology incorporated, making the process of moving passengers around the airport much quicker.

Charlie Cornish is the Chief Executive of M.A.G and he commented on how the changes set out in the Manchester Airport Transformation Programme will ‘contribute’ to the northern powerhouse.

“We’re setting out how the airport will contribute to the development of a northern powerhouse and demonstrating the dynamic, can-do spirit that sums up the region,” he said.

“The Transformation Programme will ensure Manchester Airport plays its full part in driving economic growth and develops as a key part of the UK’s transport infrastructure, within a nationwide network of competing airports.

“We continue to work closely with our airline partners to ensure that their requirements and those of their passengers will be fully catered for, both during the programme design and build, and upon its completion.

“Over the next ten years, the airport will continue to develop as a global gateway for the UK, directly to and from the north, and these enhancements will enable us to further adapt, modernise and transform the customer service experience we are able to offer.”

The post £1Bn transformation announced by Manchester Airport appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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