Lunes, Oktubre 26, 2015

Training, innovation and awareness key to energy efficiency market

Investment in training, public awareness and innovation of industry business models are vital for the energy efficiency market’s longevity and growth according to a new study.

The Trust and Certainty Report released today examines the challenges faced by industry and government in developing the energy efficient market.

The report was commissioned by the Supply Chain Insight Group – a combined work from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, SummitSkills, Building Futures and the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), and was independently researched by Skyblue Research.

The study makes three key priority area recommendations that can help to stabilise the energy efficiency market. These include investing in training to combat energy-related skills shortages; inspiring innovation within the industry by developing new business models to stimulate client demand; and educating industry and consumers about the advantages of energy efficiency and helping more people take up energy efficient habits.

The report consulted with employers, key markets figures, and the result of over 200 examples of existing work and provides a strong platform from which industry and policy makers can plan a successful future for energy efficiency.

Gillian Econopouly, Head of Policy at the CITB, said: “This report brings together all the existing evidence on energy efficiency, and will be used as a reference point for the further development of clean energy policy.

“We look forward to working with industry, government and the education sector to develop the skills we need to make this happen.”

The post Training, innovation and awareness key to energy efficiency market appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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