Lunes, Oktubre 26, 2015

UK businesses invited to apply for funding for Chile partnership

UK businesses have been invited to create partnerships with Chilean companies to help meet challenges in the agri-food, resource efficiency and solar energy sectors.

The Newton-Picarte Fund will provide financial support to joint UK-Chilean experimental development projects in these areas with a share of up to £2M for projects that will aid Chile in overcoming certain challenges as it grows and develops.

The UK investment has been made possible by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills-managed Newton Fund, which seeks to create research collaborations between UK business and those in lower and middle-income partner countries.

The Newton-Picarte Fund is a joint fund of up to a total of £24M over three years aimed to encourage scientific research and innovation, in order to contribute to the economic development and social welfare of Chile.

The competition for funding is only open to UK-based SMEs and a project must include a minimum of one UK and one Chilean partner.

The total project cost for UK-based partners are expected to be up to £230,000, with small or micro businesses able to attract up to 45% of their costs as grant and medium-sized businesses 35%. Projects are expected to last between three and six months.

The competition is now open with applications to made through the EUREKA website and the deadline is 8 January 2016.

The post UK businesses invited to apply for funding for Chile partnership appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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