Miyerkules, Enero 6, 2016

Tradesmen suffer from cowboy stereotype

New research has revealed that tradesmen are being under-rated by their customers and are being unfairly typecast, as people fear being the victim of a ‘cowboy’ builder or being ‘ripped off’.

According to the survey carried out by AXA Insurance, 60% of respondents said it was fair to label tradespeople as ‘cowboys’ or ‘rogue traders’, with 20% saying they feared paying over the odds when they needed work to be undertaken. This was despite the respondents admitting they had personal positive experiences from tradespersons.

The survey, however, revealed a different story and showed the UK’s tradesmen and women to be skilled, reliable, helpful and kind.

Despite the attention grabbing stories in newspapers and on TV programmes, most people admit they are happy with work undertaken in their homes and nearly three quarters enjoy longstanding relationships with one or more trusted tradespeople that they would be happy to recommend to others.

AXA’s research shows that 82% of the UK’s builders, painters, plumbers, joiners and electricians often go above what is expected of them and willingly comple small extra tasks at no charge and complete small acts of kindness for their customers.

Reported acts of kindness that are a big hit with customers include feeding a pet, picking up a parcel or staying on to chat with an older customer, while working at short notice or on weekends and bank holidays was also very popular.

Instead of being a target for unscrupulous tradespersons, the elderly and vulnerable people are often given the best deal.

81% of tradesmen say they work unpaid from time to time and they’ll take on extra tasks to help out someone in need.

Darrell Sansom, Managing Director at AXA Business Insurance said: “Day in and day out we know tradesmen go above and beyond for their customers – but bad news travels fast and one rouge operator can cause a lot of reputational damage to everyone else.

“Of course we know that across all walks of life, not every person is as honourable as the next, and we know that no matter how skilled and professional you are, mistakes can happen. But if you are one of the good guys doing a good job, and feel you’re suffering from a negative stereotype, there are things you can stop and start doing to build trust in your business.

“Our survey showed that not answering the phone or cancelling appointments at short notice damages customer goodwill, while a lack of available references or documentation raises concerns – so make sure you have your house in order when it comes to these things.

“At the same time, we found that taking care of tiny jobs at no extra cost generates a lot of loyalty, and removing outdoor shoes and cleaning up a spot of mess shows professionalism and care.

“Customers want to work with businesses that are clear about the cost and scope of the job from the start, and a mistake free website or leaflet showing recommendations, pictures of past work, trade body membership and contact details will also attract and put them at ease.”

The survey found the most important characteristics people look for when choosing a tradesman are price, recommendation, proper insurance and good manners.

The post Tradesmen suffer from cowboy stereotype appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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